Stupidly I let myself run out of hydroxychloroquine, thought I had a box in my medication box and didn't
Hydroxychloroquine: Stupidly I let myself run out... - LUPUS UK
It stays in your body for a day or two, so you have some time to get the prescription renewed.
Hmm, not sure all my post appeared above... I ran out last Thursday didn't notice until Friday so been without all weekend.. I had no idea what difference these pills make but now being without I doubt I will be stupid enough to make that mistake again !!
I've had awful aches pretty much all over and when I'm in bed and come to move get lots of joint clicks , used to this in my hips but not in all my other bendable joints, anyone else experience this?
Ive been on it for a year and half...first high dose, then a lower dose (my doing ,but notified rhumey)..He pulled me off it the other day (hes a bit of a smart arse), because he said im so low dose, may as well not be on it...(hes diff everytime i go there)..last time he was sure if i came off, id be full blown lupus...Anywho..its a week tommorow Ive been off the stuff hydroxychlorquine, and im not sure if its it, but I feel like i have lead in my boots...and im pretty tired....
Hydroxycloriquine has a very long half life - it can take up to two months to excrete it from your body once it's built up.
Thanks for letting me know that shazza I've only been taking since July so perhaps just a coincidence that i have so much pain rather than the absence of hydrox. Either way it sucks
Hope everyone else is having a better day x
Just was described as premenopausal for the first time. Feeling depressed...
Just was described as premenopausal for the first time. Feeling depressed...
I am not sure where you live but in Australia I can get bio identical HRT made up by a compounding chemist. Progesterone in capsule and oestrogen made up into a cream called triest. No risk of breast cancer as its all natural. Made from macadamia nut and root of yam plant. I was diagnosed at 43 now 52.
Oh Shazzer, sorry I've only just seen this, hope your feeling better today ? It takes a little time to get used to the idea.
I had early menopause (42) and was put on hormone replacement which helped dramatically with the night sweats and mood swings. Nine years on I am still on the same medication, I have asked repeatedly if I still need to be on it but my GP won't discuss me coming off it due to 'all my other medical issues' he feels now is not the right time for me to meddle with hormones which is probably the right decision.