Grrr why do I feel guilty for being off work sick? Still suffering with these kidney symptoms whatever they are... Took yesterday off and am considering taking today off... I'm sure before lupus I'd just have carried on, now I take time off at the drop of a hat argh! Xx
Guilt!: Grrr why do I feel guilty for being off... - LUPUS UK

Find out if you are in a fluoridated water area of the country. Fluoridation is used in some areas near you and there is lots of online chatter about water fluoridation and potential links to increased auto immune illness
How do I find out? I have lived here for a year but became ill at my previous address (I became ill quite soon after moving) so I'm intrigued about environmental factors in general.
I found this link when I have previously searched.
It might be a starting point for you to investigate further
Hi Natal
You shouldn't feel guilty for taking time off work because your ill!. Hope your getting sick pay ?. If you have any problems with your employer I'd advise you go to your local Citizen's Advice Bureau who will be able to help you. Your being very sensible looking after yourself because if we soldier on regardless we only make this illness worse!. I hope your better soon.X
Hi Natal,
Just wanted to say that you really need to listen to your body. Only you can know how ill or tired you feel.
I've been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, but some symptoms point to lupus. I always pushed myself to work hard and I've now been off work since nov with interstitial lung disease. I knew I was working too hard but was worried about what other people would think and now I'm too ill to do much at all.
Please please please listen to your body and put your health first!
Hi chempixie, noticed you have psoriatic arthritis, you sound a lot like me as ive just had same diagnosis and they've put me on methotrexate. I also have the lupus hovering but they wont commit to it yet. Sorry to be butting in on this other persons question but I dont know anyone else with the same condition and just wondered how I could message you to find out a bit more? Sorry again for hijacking the conversation. I agree with the others though and look after yourself natal1a because no-one else will, work will carry on without you. Find out if you can get help elsewhere too if you have to have longer off work. Good luck x
Thank you both. I don't get paid sick leave by my company but I think statutory sick pay kicks in after 4 days so if I just write this whole week off I may be better off. It's not just the kidney thing now, my ENTIRE back is killing... I just cannot sit at my desk in such pain. Trying to be positive
please please please don't feel guilty! you have to put yourself first. your health and well being is so important. I used to be just like you, I would worry what they would think of me and how it would affect my absence record etc etc and I pushed myself to the limit until I collapsed. it took me 15months to get out of bed after!! where were they? no where as I am a payroll number!!!!
ive now learnt to say NO, im am important. and listen to my body more.
try to get doctors cert to legally cover you if you can.
hugs x
We feel guilty because we are generally conscientious folk who do not want to have time off sick, but we can't always help it and need to listen to our bodies or we just get more sick. Have you any masts nearby? This is another factor that can affect me / the immune system.
I understand how you feel every time I go in my room to rest or nap. Having hard time getting used to my new normal. Hang in there, take care of you.
You should not feel guilty. Part of the problem with Lupus is that a lot of the time you don't look ill. Therefore when you go back to work people look at you and because they don't understand Lupus you get the feeling they doubt you are ill. Discussed this with a colleague once who half jokingly said " If you want sympathy get an illness people can see". So forget guilt it's a waste of energy.