Hi all of you...
I am so woried.
I finaly got my positive pregnancy test after my daughter Joana was stilborn in January this year at 36 week , the reason unknown. The doctors said if it wa=s a blood clot or umbrical cord accident, the cord was only once around her neck.
Now I am 8 weeks and i made same blood tests and the results shown that i have positive results for lupus anticoagulant (max 42 sec i have 51) .
I have no symptoms but i read for lupus and know i am too frightend because i might lose this child too.
The doctors are stll not sure that this was the reason because Joana;s heart stoped.
2 of my doctors said that i should take aspirin 100mg and i started from yesterday .
Does aspirin have side effects?
One of my doctors said i dont have to take aspirin first 12 weeks. (I visit 3 doctors this time .)
Is anybody has lupus anticoagulant positive ?
Please give me your advice , i dont want to lose this child ....
I am frightend that i will never have children.
lots of love