Scared because of bad reactions to sulphasalazine and methotrexate, any advice or experiences welcome. Thanks jo
Rheumy recommended I consider adding mycophenolat... - LUPUS UK
Rheumy recommended I consider adding mycophenolate to my other meds as lupus seems to be getting more active. Im on hydroxy and adipine,

I was also afraid of MMF but started it in July and feel better than I have in years. Still have the odd symptom, outbreak etc. but my overall health is much improved. I wrote to this forum like you and had many encouraging replies. It may be worth a try? Hope you get on well!
Hi Jo100
I took MMF for 6-8 years and didn't get any side effects and it improved my condition greatly. You have monthly blood tests like the others you've tried so I'd try if I were you. Hope it helps you. Good luck.x
My 16 yr old Son has SLE and been taking Mycophenalate for 6 months and has had no side effects and feels so much better ... Hope it helps you too xx
Thanks guys. Nice to get some reassurance.
7 years ago my dr stopped Azathioprine and started me on MMF. A bit of diarrhoea with it at first which settled down and no problems since. Usual blood tests (mine is now every 3/4 months) but everything is settled. Goodluck
Hi Jo100 - I've been on Mycophenolate (Cellcept) for 10yrs with virtually no side effects at all. My SLE has made me extra sensitive to drugs, and a brand change 6 months ago to Accord really upset my stomach, so I'm back on Cellcept now. I've found MMF has helped control my Lupus as well as being an excellent anti rejection drug for my kidney transplant. Good luck with MMF and hope you reap the benefits very soon!
I tolerated MMF very well but unfortunately had to switch back to MTX as my arthritis got worse. It's a much much nicer drug than methotrexate in my experience! Good luck x
Hi I also was worried about reactions to both especially the methotrexate but 4 weeks ago I started methotrexate and I'm starting to see an improvement in my joints a lot in my skin but the effect on the fatigue us amazing. I feel so much better within myself. I take it sun night and only get slight nausea mon night. For all the bad effects some people have lots don't. It's certainly worth a try. Hope that helps