Palpitations and chest pain: Does anyone else get... - LUPUS UK


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Palpitations and chest pain

joannebond360 profile image
15 Replies

Does anyone else get this? Had it all night and couldn't sleep, feel dizzy and breathless and my chest hurts on the left hand side, having palpitations. Had this before but not for ages :(

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joannebond360 profile image
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15 Replies
daisyd profile image

Go to A&E now !

Phone an ambulance, you could be having a heart attack, with what you are having dont think twice do it know please

kittykat68 profile image

joanne, i was like that the other night, i thought i was having a heart attack , have u got copd/emphazema, i took a double dose of my pumps and it eased off after 3 hours i know how u feel hun , however some of our meds give us chest pain its trying to disipher what pain is what , check all ur side effects see if it is ur meds first as that is what the drs will do , i never rang an ambulance either its scarey and i get more worked up at the thought of going to hospital

joannebond360 profile image

No I don't have any of those. Had this before when I was tapering off of prednisilone. Horrible. It's feeling better than earlier. Hate the thought of going to hospital! Especially if its nothing.

Shann07 profile image
Shann07 in reply to joannebond360

Hiya, im so glad someone else is decribing exactly what i have been suffering! Since feb ive had chest pain & breathlessness especially during night when my chest feels like a crushing pain when i lie on my side & back, it seems to be all right sided. Anyways attended A&E in feb heart all ok, they thought it was caused by MCTD. Fast forward & got urgent rheummy app, seen him yesterday - he thinks its acid reflux that im expericing, apparantly very common in sle, it causes chest pain & burning like heart attack! He doubled my omeprazole & plaquenil and im due for ct scan of heart/lung & pulmonary function of lungs. It could also be sign of pericarditis (fluid around heart & lungs) as ive had this in past & sympt are very similiar! You really shoudnt ignore this yes chest pain is common in lupus patients but any form of chest pain needs investigating if its ongoing (better to be safe). I ignored chest pain for months 2 years ago & ended up in blue light ambulance from docs - it was severe pericaridits with complications!

joannebond360 profile image

Thank you for your reply.

It's really not nice, I get it on my left side, I have had the pulmonary ct scan and all was ok. I think mine too could be acid reflux as I have been experiencing more indigestion for some reason, maybe from the plaquinal. It's fine now. Had it all last night and most of the day but its eases now. If it happens again will go the doctors or ring my consultant. :)

butterfly1000 profile image

I had chest pain when lying down from the reflux. It really felt like a heart attack might. I felt they weren't taking me seriously when they sent me home with gaviscon - very happy to not be having a heart attack though and the gaviscon helps. If I don't take it at first sign I end up struggling to breath for the whole next day as the acid causes muscle spasms in my breathing tubes too. Anyway... They seemed to diagnose it as reflux because the pain was mainly when I was lying down. Hope that helps - if in doubt go to hospital though!! Hope you get an answer soon x

garykeanu profile image

Hi, I get a lot of chest pain been admitted to hospital several times suspected heart attacks turns out to be the lupus attacking my lining ( tissue ) around my heart so never think your wasting hospitals time coz we all know lupus is capable af anything.. Gaz.

joannebond360 profile image

Thank you everyone. Will definitely mention it at my next appointment and if it happens again will get looked at :)

MandaM profile image

I'm another one glad to see i'm not alone. I get awful midle to right sided chest pain which can include going down both arms, raised blood pressure and high heart rate plus a solid chest, difficulty in breathing, dizziness etc when I try and walk or dance or anything which involves exercise. Going up anything is a no no but now walking on a flat is also being a no too. Don't get these symptoms at rest. Been complaining about these for a long time and not got far with doctors at the moment. I have an at rest ecg which is normal, a CT scan for heart and my calcium score was zero, CT lung scan which did show an area of collapsed lung upper left lobe although nothing done about this either. Awaiting a heart monitor appointment but that's about it at present. I'm at the end of my tether with this as my weight is piling on as i'm not burning of my food intake, even though I barely have anything to eat apart from a good healthy meal after work. I hope you get somewhere with your doctors joanne. I think i'm going to have to start being a loud nuisance!

teaparty profile image

I do told my consultant but he didnt seem to be interested. he just said that it might be my painkillers. but I had them before I was on them

Maya23 profile image

I've been getting palpitations for years, and I've just found out that mine are most likely caused by adrenal fatigue, a very common symptom for anyone suffering from M.E. and Lupus. The adrenals are struggling to balance cortisol which is the stress hormone, and so getting over-excited or stressed and doing too much can set it off.

LupusKaren profile image

For those who are suffering this type of pain, suggest you discuss with your GP or Consultant the possibility of Costochondritis, it is an inflammatory condition.

It goes without saying, if you are having chest pain that is a new experience, please seek medical attention immediately.

Carolmac profile image

I've had ongoing chest pains from May. I went to A & E to be told it was gallstones and than pleurisy. My gps sent me for CT scan and now waiting results. The pains there all the time and it hurts to laugh or cough and even breathe.

Purpletop profile image

As others said above, check for pericarditis - inflammation of the lining of the heart, or increased fluid volume between the lining (the pericardium) and the heart. ECG may pick up but not until the pericarditis is serious. Otherwise a heart MRI will detect even the smallest amounts of fluid.

hunney40 profile image

I had this on and off for a couple of years, first it was gallstones, then anxiety, then hormonal, saw cardio/family dr/pulmonologist/endochrinoogist - had just about every test known to man and finally got told nothing wrong with you, just relax. Changed Dr and within a week I was in the hospital - carotid artery was blocked and ulcerated. a year on and he took me in "to calm me down" is what he told me afterwards - found my main artery was blocked over 90%. Every cardio test I had showed I had no issues at all. DO NOT IGNORE! If the regular tests dont show anything ask about an angiogram - I arrested while they were putting the stint in and they thought it was going to be a full bypass. This is not something to take lightly.

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