It is estimated that more than 330 million people currently suffer from Dry Eye Syndrome worldwide. Although often misunderstood, the complex disease can even lead to a chronic vision threatening disorder, conjunctivochalasis (CCh). Certain modern day conveniences are thought to be a cause in the increase of the condition, with extended viewing of digital screens, laser eye surgery, exposure to air conditioning and increased life expectancy to blame for the growing incidence.
LO2A Eye Drops
Artificial tear preparation, presented in sterile, uni-dose vials to minimize risk of infection and contamination.
LO2A is currently registered and marketed by its inventor in Germany and Switzerland for the treatment of Dry Eye Syndrome ("Dry Eye"), in Hungary for the treatment of Dry Eye and Conjunctivochalasis ("CCh") and in the Netherlands for the treatment of Dry Eye and Sjögren’s Syndrom.
LO2A was developed by Prof. Shabtay Dikstein (School of Pharmacy, Hebrew U. – 1990s), as substitute for natural tears, to lubricate and protect ocular surface tissues.
Well-established safety profile over more than 10 years of sales in Europe through local distributors, with no material known side effects.
Preservative-free (Preservatives have recognized potential for irritation and sensitization; can damage the ocular surface and cornea)
Can be used with any contact lenses
Anti-irritant properties
Non-Newtonian viscosity profile
Available in uni-dose and future multi-dose form
Hylan® – Germany, the Netherlands
Lacrycon® – Switzerland
Conheal® – Hungary
Dry Eye Syndrome ("Dry Eye")
Multifactorial disease of the tear and ocular surface resulting in discomfort, visual disturbance and tear film instability with potential damage to the ocular surface.*
Tear layer protects the surface of the eye, providing nutrition
Injury is a dynamic process, resulting in change in tear composition & symptoms of burning, redness, blurred vision, etc.
Dry Eye is the most frequent symptom treated by ophthalmologists
Epidemiological studies show dry eye will occur in 14-33% of population.
Increase in incidence with age and other factor
Conjunctivochalasis (CCh)
Conjunctivochalasis (CCh) is a complication of dry eye
Aseptic, chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva; on a background of dry eye syndrome
Common age-related eye condition over 50; increases in frequency & severity with age
Also markedly increased in people wearing contact lenses, regardless of age
Appears in one third of dry eye patients
Inflammation condition is sustained; not spontaneously reversible
Severe CCh (Stage 3) can only be treated by invasive surgical treatment, which can cause considerable discomfort
Sjögren’s Syndrome
Sjögren’s syndrome is a chronic long-term auto-immune disease
The patient's white blood cells attack the saliva and tear glands, leading to dry mouth and eyes
While Sjögren’s syndrome can develop at any age, the majority of patients are diagnosed after the age of 40 with 90% of patients female
There are approximately 4,000,000 people in the USA and 500,000 in the UK with Sjögren’s Syndrome
See: LUpus Patients Understanding & Support (LUPUS):