We have been for a 2nd opinion at a private hospital in london & have found an amazing dr who was honest but positive with us. He told us surgery would never be a option as there are 2 lymph nodes involved so can not be cut out without the risk of leaving small cells of cancer BUT he still believes he can cure my mum with chemo and rapid radiotherapy as long as the tumor can shrink by 25-30% (it is currently 10cm) so we are now praying it will shrink and my mum can still be cured!
The heartbreaking thing was he told us if it was not missed a year ago my mum would of easily been cured BUT we can not change that now but need to concentrate on the fact there is a 30% chance of being cured still.
We still have not started chemo as we are having that done on the nhs and they have to order it! But hope to be fitted in this thursday if not the following thursday.
She will have 4 rounds of cisplatin & gemcitabine then hopefully tomo therapy.
Has anyone had any experience with these?
What side effects did you have?
Wishing you all health & strength!