Hello, my name is Marily and my father is 65 years old he's a pretty healthy active guy, but about two weeks ago he started coughing blood.. he hadn't had any pain or anything prior.
We took him to the ER and every since we got in they were sure it was lung cancer.
They did a X - ray and found a tumor close to his airway. Every since we were in the hospital they performed 45 tests. Which included PET scan CT scan .. and all others.. no cáncer was found.. not spread or anything on the scans. He had a one biopsy which lasted 20min and came back negative. But they said they needed more since they're sure it is cancer. They went in and performed a two hour biopsy which came back negative as well. But they still tell us that they still think it's cancer. I don't know what else to believe ? One day we are happy and the next they tell us to not get our hopes up.. he has been a smoker his entire life and I know why this must make sense .. but after two biopsies can it be just not cancer ?