Morphine: Chemo and immunotherapy... - The Roy Castle Lu...

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Red58 profile image
12 Replies

Chemo and immunotherapy today they have not heard from liver specialist regard thing on liver but have decided to take me off cocodamol for pain and put me on oramorph anyone had this I’m as usal scared x

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12 Replies

Hi Red, hope you're ok but don't me scared of Oramorph, I'm on it, I've had liquid quick acting and tablet slow release, it really does help with pain but also get a good night's sleep. If you're still anxious talk to your Macmillan team, they're very good aren't they. Let me know how you get on. Sending best wishes to you. Xxx

Red58 profile image
Red58 in reply to

Thank you x

RoyCastleHelpline profile image
RoyCastleHelplinePartnerAsk the NurseRoy Castle

Hello Red58,

As Loimie has said please do not be scared of being on Oromorph, morphine is a very good analgesia and you can take it in different formations such as MST which is a slow release or the liquid Oromorph which works faster, the beauty of it is that you can titrate the dose to how much you need. If you are worried please speak to your CNS

If you would like to discuss anything you can either email us at

or call our free phone nurse led helpline number on 0800 358 7200 Monday to Thursday 0900-1700 and Friday 0900-1600

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The Roy Castle Support Team

Danni54 profile image

Hi. I want so much to give you a hug! I also had Adenocarcinoma in my right lung and was misdiagnosed for a year and a half so have been left with multiple health problems which is why I have to take Oramorph. I have been ' lucky ' in that I had the top lobe of my right lung with the tumour, removed . That was almost 3 year's ago and I was told a few month's ago that I have 2 fractured vertebrae and there is cancer there but the diagnosis was changed 5 day's later to Osteoporosis but this happened with my lung so I don't know what to believe and I'm in excruciating pain . Long story. I really want to reply to you about the Oramorph because I find that it's the only thing that helps with the pain. It does make you tired but you really need to speak to your Oncologist or Dr. about the dosage, whether you can drive with the dose you are on and ask them about whether your body will get used to the dose and will you have to up the dose. Different strong medication reacts differently with everybody but please don't worry if you feel a bit woozy for the first couple of weeks. The fracture in my spine is excruciating at times and has been getting worse and I am not getting any support so please make sure that you have a good support network while you are going through this and everybody here will help you through because we have all been through hell and the support from this site is just what you need. The Support Team are so kind and helpful. We are all with you and send you hugs and support. Please take care and please don't be scared of the Oramorph ! If you are in pain it will help but as I said, please speak to your Oncologist. Good luck and sending you love and gentle hugs.

By the way, I live North of Inverness but had my Lobectomy done in Glasgow and they were wonderful. Please let us know how you get on.

in reply to Danni54

Hi, Danni, just seen your post to Red, hope you don’t mind. I know how debilitating the pain can be. I’m on morphine, Co-codamol, and Steroids. Your post my eye because like you I have a lower fractured vertebrae that’s causing spinal compression, it’s due to osteoporosis I’ve had many year’s, but the cancer isn’t in there, it’s in an upper one near my neck that isn’t fractured! Just wondering do you have drop foot with the fractured vertebrae, I do, but now my consultant has checked my brain and say that the cancer has spread slightly and may be causing drop foot. I’m frightened because the compression in spine may cause permanent paralysis. Sorry to ramble on! Take care and best wishes. Pam xx

Danni54 profile image
Danni54 in reply to

Hi. I don't mind you reading my post to Red and I am just so sorry that you , also, are going through this horrible time and I keep wishing that we could all meet and I could give you a 🫂. It's one of the thing's I miss with Covid. I don't have a drop foot but a friend of mine does. She had a benign brain tumour removed 5 year's ago and the tumour hasn't come back. This waiting is one of the worst thing's that we all go through but please know that everybody here, including me, is here for you. One of the thing's that helped me through and still is is the fact that I had so many people sending me their love and willing me to get better. Everybody here is doing that for you and for Red and we are all giving each other our love and strength so , please, remember that.

I'm 68. The wedge fracture of the 2 vertebrae is at the base of my spine and has a few splinters coming off . I went to the Dr. because I was having really bad pain and there was a big lump at the base of my spine. However, the Dr. was more interested in my stomach problems! 5 month's on and my spine pain was so bad and I insisted on an Xray which I had. Our hospital doesn't have enough Radiographer's so the Xray was

sent to Australia. The Dr. rang me and said, " I'm so sorry but there is cancer and you have a wedge fracture of 2 vertebrae but I will be with you till the end ! " I must admit that I felt a bit sick! Then 5 day's later he rang to say that our hospital had looked again at my Xray and it's Osteoporosis not cancer. As Australia had seen my lung cancer but our hospital ignored it for 15 month's, until I had pneumonia and my Consultant came round and asked why I hadn't had treatment for the cancer! I told him that I didn't know that I had cancer! After that, endless scan's and eventually a Lobectomy. I still don't know whether I have spinal cancer and was also told about a thickening in my Colon " which might be a tumour " but they haven't followed through with scan's etc.

I wanted to tell you all of that so that you and others know that I really do understand. Sorry to waffle on....I promise that now I have put this out there that I won't waffle so much the next time. I am on Opioid's as well as a Fentanyl patch and Oramorph and sometimes I feel as though I am living a half life but then remember that I am SO lucky to be here. Sometimes though the pain is overwhelming isn't it?! I hope that you have a good G.P. and do you have an Oncology Nurse to talk to ? The Nurses here are amazing so if you ever need to talk about your worries etc. , please, talk to them.... and us .

Sending you a big, cyber, hug! Please let me know how you get on. I will be thinking of you. You are allowed to be scared you know and you are allowed to feel whatever you feel so be kind to yourself.

Love and hugs,

Danni x

in reply to Danni54

Thanks Danni, yes, this site is a lifeline isn’t it, all so caring. The waiting is horrendous isn’t it. I’m pleased for your friend that the tumour hasn’t come back, that gives me hope that mine will disappear, hopefully for good! I’m dreading going to Christie Hospital on Wednesday, I keep hearing the words in my head “can’t do anything for you “ Do you visit Australia or have you lived there Danni? Is it a nodule or tumour. Because nodules are quite treatable. I have a Specialist Lung Nurse at Christie and Macmillan Nurse, both excellent. Yes, a great BIG cyber hug is what we all need! Lovely chatting and keep in touch. Lots of love. Pam xxxx🥰

Danni54 profile image
Danni54 in reply to

It was Adenocarcinoma, so a tumour in my right lung, top lobe. You probably know that there are 2 lobes which are the left lung and 3 lobes make up the right lung and they removed the top lobe with the tumour on the right lung. Such a miracle because the 2nd lobe expands to fill up the space left by the Lobectomy! I should do A Level Biology with everything I learned from having lung cancer! My Xray when I had pneumonia was emailed to Australia as were the Spinal fracture Xray's because our hospital in Scotland didn't have enough Radiographer's to read the Xray's ! They still don't but Australia found the lung cancer when our hospital didn't but when I saw the first Xray I could see the tumour so how our hospital missed it I will never know ! 15 month's of having undiagnosed lung cancer was no fun because as time went by I knew that something was badly wrong. My Dr. believed me but the hospital didn't.....until I got Pneumonia! Oops! You have lung cancer and OOPS ! We should have treated you 15 month's ago! I have lost all trust in our hospital apart from my Thoracic Consultant!

I'm not really bitter and twisted! Actually, I'm not ! Sometimes you just have to laugh!!

You have us and we all have each other and we will see each other through! Love and big hugs, Danni xx

in reply to Danni54

Mine is in the upper left lobe, it’s about 3cm x 3cm, it can’t be removed because it’s close to something else, not sure what, it’s hard to take everything in isn’t it. What a disgrace 15 months!! Yes, the things we learn about our bodies! We have each other and this wonderful site, did you say your husband works nights, that must be hard for you, night is the worse time for me, especially with the dark nights and dark mornings. Love and hugs to you too Danni. Hope we have a decent nights sleep. xxxx

Danni54 profile image
Danni54 in reply to

Sleep well ! Remember.... core of steel ! You will get through this ! Will write tomorrow...or the middle of the night when the pain wakes me up ! Have good dreams tonight and think about everybody here who will support you and each that's got to make you smile. Love and huge hugs to you and Red and everybody who is going through this weird time ! Danni xxx

Sixtygirl profile image

Hi red I was taken oramorph but was in liquid form didant like it at all I am now on sevredol fast releif morphine 10mg and only take it when needed and must admit it is absolutely great for me. Hope this helps x

Yes! Let’s have a good nights sleep Danni. I’ve just had my morphine but I still wake up after a couple of hours. Nite nite and chat tomorrow.🥱xxxx Pam 🥰

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