End of the line with 20% chance of success. Stage 4 lung cancer diagnosed July 2017 strongest chemotherapy possible for 6 rounds 3 weeks apart, caused the tumor to shrink by 50% but came back one month later and spread to my liver and traveling up my spine, they want to try immunotherapy for 2 months, 2 weeks apart to try to buy some time for me. Praise the Lord I am not in pain, still have my appetite, but short of breath and coughing s lot.
What to do: End of the line with 2... - The Roy Castle Lu...
What to do

Patti72, I am so sorry to hear what your facing now. I honestly think it is everyones own choice as to continue treatment when there is barely a chance it will help or put in remission. I myself have stage 4 carcinoid lung cancer. Waiting right now on results of a blood test to see where Im at with the cancer. I've had it for almost 5 years now, was in remission one time for a couple months.
You will have to search your heart and try to decide what would be best for you at this point . If theres a chance things could give you more time without pain, then maybe it would be worth it. I can't answer that and don't know what i would do. I wish for you to have the strength to answer for yourself and feel good about it. Again,so sorry to hear what your going through. Keep us informed.
Love and Sunshine
Thanks Donna, comforting to know someone hears me, Im thinking try the next treatment and leave the rest in Gods hands, if it works it means my job here on earth is not done, if not its time to go home. Win, win situation either way😇💕🌈
Hi Patti72
Two options that may help. RFA is one and performed at Harefield Hospital by Dr Paras Dalal. They heat tumours to kill them with radio frequency energy.
Second see if you can get metformin as many studies are showing it has a good effect in fighting cancer. It's a diabetes drug. I am looking at this in addition to chemotherapy as I also am stage4 even though it non smoker.
Don't give up. Keep looking for solutions. Wishing you the best.
Hi Patti72. So sorry to hear that you are facing this very difficult decision which many of us will be facing sooner or later. As Donna said, only you can decide what is right for you. It sounds as though you want to give immunotherapy a try. If you do, I hope it gives you the best outcome possible. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Such a difficult decision and so hard to consider. Immunotherapy is showing promising results for some lung cancer patients. In the last few years since my diagnosis, treatments and research have made different treatments available under trials and seen new treatments adopted into common practice approved by NICE and FDA. Patients I've met who were told they had only months to live with stage IV have lived several years and in that time, other treatments/trials have become available. I guess as others have already said, it's up to you but think carefully. In the chest clinic about 18 months ago, I was talking to a patient who'd been told they would like her to consider surgery yet she'd already come to the clinic with her daughter, having made up her mind to refuse treatment as she'd 'had a good life and if it's my time, then I'll accept that'. Chatting to myself and another man (who'd lost his entire lung just months before and was now playing golf) moved her conversation to 'how soon after surgery might I be able to return to driving?'. I mention this not to make light of the situation but by learning from others how they've coped can help improve our understanding to help in our decision making. Do ask your clinicians whether there are any clinical trials available for your specific type of lung cancer (ask about TracerX/lung matrix if in the UK) and if you are in pain, ask for medication. good luck whatever you decide. thinking of you.
Hi Patti Last year I was diagnosed stage 4 cancer from treated lung cancer 2015 too ,brain Mets and ? cardiac Mets ,I really didn't think I would be here now ,but I am its not easy ,walking effected and short of breath with a pacemaker now .I do get fed up but I am still going and grateful that I have extra time with my family ,no current treatment required all unchanged .I know I won't go on for a long time ,but my message is don't give up be as positive as you can and keep going and take all the support you can get from where ever it comes ,it has helped me no end xxx My thoughts are with you and virtual hugs coming your way .

Hi dont know if you remember me im so pleased to see your still doing ok you messaged me when things wasnt to good with my husband he started his lung cancer in 2015 were he had part off lung removed then 2016 it came back .more removed then 2017 brain mets apeared which that was the end off our journey. Hope your keeping as well as you can .it does prove there is life after brain mets .so happy for you take care xx

Dear Patti
There have been encouraging and invaluable responses from those who know what you are going through. Thankfully treatment options are improving and it is good to be well informed on making your decision. It is good you have no pain and some of the immunotherapy can aid in reducing your symptoms of shortness of breath and coughing.
If you wish to discuss anything you can call us on our free nurse led helpline number on 0800 358 7200.
All the very best
The Roy Castle Support Team
Hi I do hope immunotherapy works for you, it did not me and I had 12wks of being unwell and constantly sick so they stopped it as it did not stop more progression to my spine and bones. good luck to you.xx
Hello Patti. Sorry about your prognosis. I hope immunotherapy can help you. It’s good that you have no pain. I see there are good helpful responses and suggestions from people who know what you are going through from their own experience. I hope that there can be help for you in some way.
Many blessings.
Patti, i am one that Opdivo saved. I had no real options when i started getting it 4.5 years ago.
I agree, we are in a win-win situation. If we live, fabulous. If we change our address to Heaven ... wow!!!
Best of luck!!
Sending love and blessings to you