This is a long post - please accept my apologies in advance.
Cycle one effectively done (next week chemo free just consultant follow up).
Week started Monday with picc line. That was a little uncomfortable but nowhere near as bad as I thought. Unfortunately I mentioned some back pain and the team insisted on escorting me to to the Acute unit to have it checked out before leaving First a chest x-ray - waited results - apparently clear but Registrar then asked for a spinal x-ray as well and they did more bloods despite these being done downstairs when the line was put in (at least this time I had the line!!). Any way, it was my birthday and I ended up spending the whole day at the hospital to be told just after 6 2nd x-ray was ok. Now I know they like to check things out but really 8 1/2 hours having 2 x-rays and awaiting results as far as I am concerned is not acceptable! I'm intending to raise it as an issue with the consultant at my appointment next week. Not only did I spend the entire day there unnecessarily but also I was taking up a bed for somebody far more in need than me (there were others waiting outside on chairs!!!!!). I see no reason why those x-rays could not have been checked far more quickly like they are in A&E departments.
Following from that, Tuesday was day 2 chemo!! This was actually capsule not IV format. So given a tiny solitary anti sickness tablet (which is already on my record as does not work for me) then 10 mins later given the chemo capsules. As I swallowed them I was told that was it and I could go straight away and off they went. I found that to be very strange. They know I live alone and was intending to go home on public transport alone. I did actually feel hot and not really that well but not quite nauseous but they didnt ask! By the time i got home within about an hour and a half I felt really unwell. All I wanted to do was lie down. I felt really sick within a couple of hours and in fact within 2 more hours I had 4 really bad episodes of vomitting one of which i could see i had brought at least one of the chemo drugs right back up whole!!
I rang our local acute unit and all they would say is i should expect this as chemo side effect and that I should ring 111 for out of hours GP!! I did this and luckily for me they put me on priority list after call back and Doctor was at the door within the hour. That was embarrassing as it was almost 10.00 pm by then and he came in one of those emergency paramedic type cars light flashing and everything!! He checked everything, BP, temperature, Sats (something our chemo nurses never seem to do either before chemo or after it and I find that strange). His opinion was a very severe reaction to the chemo drugs and that the anti sickness they have given me is clearly far from sufficient and it maybe that pill format is not appropriate for me - in fact he thinks it would have been more appropriate for saline fluid to have been given beforehand any way? (I don't think our hospital do that when you are having pill version only on week 2 which is venorelbine - I get Cisplatin IV and vinorelbine week 1).
The emergency doctor gave me some new anti sickness tablets (tiny little things you do not swallow but place on the gum underneath your upper lip and let them dissolve which takes up to 2 hours.) They are called Prochlorperazine. These tablets are the only thing that has helped me through the week. The emergency doctor actually instructed my GP to prepare an immediate prescription for me following morning as he was only able to give me 8 tablets and I now have this.
Thankfully I feel a lot better today and have eaten really well (just as well as I lost 4lbs!). I really don't like to be critical of the NHS but i believe my experiences this week are not acceptable and I actually found it distressing and concerning. I know they were looking for possible mets in the xrays as I asked (they did not volunteer the information). I asked if I could have a private CT scan as I prefer to have it checked thoroughly rather than wait for several weeks if it continues or gets worse but all I was told is that it would be quicker on the NHS. Maybe it would but that's only if they decide its needed and as the x-ray didnt show anything in particular apparently that would not be done yet! X-rays provide limited information as we all know so considering I had a clear PET scan pre op save for the solitary tumor on my left lung by mid June what did they think an x-ray would show in such a short time? Also, I really dont understand why the Oncology information booklets you are given say that if you experience severe vomitting twice or more in 24 hours to contact the urgent phone line immediately(and I had 4), when all they are going to say is ring 111! It's pointless!
I am intending to ask that firstly they continue the meds I now have without deviation as they clearly work but i also intend to ask that for my 2nd round of chemo that either they provide it in IV form with a pre saline drip first or at least provide the necessary additional anti sickness before i take the capsules in IV format so I know it will remain in my body! As far as I am aware at least part of the chemo they gave me did not stay in my body so pointless! I am also going to insist on a CT scan now NOT wait for symptoms to get worse. I didnt have these symptoms before chemotherapy started, it seems unlikely to be caused by the chemo itself or at least that is the impression I got, so there is clearly something else going on. It may just be a muscular thing but really why would you wait for something to get worse when it could result in a far more serious condition and therefore prognosis.
I would be very grateful for anyone's feedback on all the above. Has anybody else been through a similar situation, or suffered similar effects with chemo whether skeletal/muscular or sickness symptoms and if so, what actions were taken and/or outcomes? This would help me when discussing the matter with the consultant on Thursday. Is there any point in ringing the urgent oncology out of ours line if (and you can hardly speak any way for gagging) they are NOT going to ask you to go in but tell you to ring 111 shouldnt it just say that on the flipping booklet instead to save wasting time! Or should you ring 999 if you are really concerned regardless of what they say. Apparently, according to our local oncology hospital at the introductory meeting they tell you NOT to ring 999 as you will get caught up in the system and treatment may be delayed! What a load of rubbish! I am sure if I had had a high temperature as well and dialled 999 (being on my own I would have no choice) an ambulance unit would be perfectly capable of ascertaining that as I am a chemo patient where the correct place to take me would be!!!!!)
I am really sorry this is such a long post but I felt I had to put the whole story in. Thank you everybody.