Hi everyone,
I'm looking for some advice relating to my mum's diagnosis of stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer, if possible. She was diagnosed in February 2016 and she received first line treatment of Pemetrexed up until December 2016 when they needed to stop because her kidney function was worsening and, although the cancer had shrunk and then stabilised in her lungs, it was continuing to spread elsewhere (she has bone mets and it has also spread to lymph nodes and stomach lining, amongst other places). They could only use Pemetrexed rather than a combination chemo because she took a stroke very soon after the diagnosis (we believe due to coming off her blood thinners to allow them to take a biopsy).
Next up was Nivolumab. After 3 infusions she took pneumonia and at her next appointment they said they wanted to stop treatment because it wasn't working and they felt she wasn't in good enough health to continue. We argued that surely only 3 treatments wasn't enough to determine if the Nivolumab could make a difference and they agreed to continue for a while longer and she recovered well from the pneumonia. Unfortunately, at her last appointment we are again in the position that they want to stop treatment because it has apparently continued to spread and has also appeared in new places. I should mention that we live in Glasgow, Scotland and my mum is 60 and is otherwise in fairly good health.
We're all absolutely devastated and I feel so helpless, I'm letting my mum down and can do nothing to help her. I guess my reason for posting is just to reach out for some advice from people who are much more knowledgeable than me - is there anything that I should be asking/challenging the oncologist about at this stage? He said there is no third line treatment she could try. We had an appointment to discuss clinical trials and they got our hopes up about the Matrix trial but at the end of the appointment suddenly realised she is ineligible for it due to a certain type of medication she takes.
Any advice from anyone who has been in a similar position about where we go from here would be much appreciated. I feel it's much too soon for the oncologist to be giving up on her. I could understand if her quality of health was poor but at the moment it's fairly good. I contacted the oncologist asking to arrange a second opinion but my mum felt it was all a bit too much for her to handle straight away. I'm going to try to raise the subject again with her soon.
Thanks for taking the time to read this - it turned out much lengthier than I intended! Has anyone else been in a position where treatment was stopped possibly prematurely in this way?
Many thanks.