Hello everyone I am new on here, September 12th this year I had a left lobe lung bottom half removed , there were 2 cancers present, so for me best quick way to deal with problem , have it surgically removed, I am now recovering from home 3 weeks now, only recently have I been back to hospital for a meeting with the chemotherapy team as I was always told this would always happen even with the surgery. Latest meeting was told only 8% chance of Chemotherapy working, at present I am told I do not have cancer, but this chemotherapy is like a safeguard extra protection, proposed cycles 4 over 3 months, starting in December as at present I am not fit enough, I have been told of the side effects , it seems to be a difficult 3 months for me if I decide to go ahead , I have been told with or without chemotherapy that there is a chance of 50% of the cancer returning anyway, I have been given the option of Chemotherapy with a only 8% chance of this working, but as I said earlier I do not have cancer now, so how will I ever know this has worked, hoping for other people to respond with simular issues as mine, I have 2 weeks to decide whether to go ahead or not, thanks
8% chance of Chemotherapy working - The Roy Castle Lu...
8% chance of Chemotherapy working

Dear Guy59
Welcome to the forum where I am sure you will find support and encouragement.
Sorry to hear of your dilemma and the confusion you must be feeling. It may be helpful to discuss your concerns with your specialist nurse or GP.
If you wish to discuss anything our free helpline number is 0800 358 7200
Kind regards
The Roy Castle Support Team
I am sorry to hear of your dilemma. Like you I had my lower left lobe removed on 5th September, I had one large tumour 7 cm and a nodule which was also cancer but the same type. Lymph nodes were clear.
You say you had two cancers were these different or the same?
I am starting my 4 cycles of chemo next week, yes I am apprehensive but I am having this as I feel this provides me with a chance of keeping the cancer returning at bay.
I hope you are able to come to a decision that works for you and I wish all the very best
HI Cathy
My operation was the 8th September not 12th as I put, so we were very close, you are very quick in having chemotherapy, I am looking at start of December for me, due to my health , still have COPD in remaining lungs, at present it has been a slow recovery for me , what percentage did they tell you ? My cancers were different I was told , one was 33mm other 12mm , let me know please how the chemotherapy goes, I hope for you , you get through the chemotherapy without to much discomfort, thanks for your time in replying
My husband was in a similar situation...he was diagnosed with lung cancer while undergoing investigations into a form of leukaemia. Like you, he had a lobectomy, and was advised not to have adjuvant chemotherapy as the tumour had been fully excised and the side effects of the treatment would be counterproductive. We worried about this for a long time..However, it seems to have been good advice as this was nearly 5 years ago now and there has been no reoccurrence of the lung cancer.
Hi Guy59
My oncologist didn't give me a percentage success rate and I didn't ask. He said after the treatment I would have a scan and then regular scans thereafter .
You are right about how quickly I am having the chemo, I am not yet recovered from the operation, but they tell me the tinescale is fine. I am nervous about the side effects so I just have to hope that it does work.
I am sorry you have additional health problems, you need to make the decision which is right for you. I will let you know how my chemo goes
We were told that for the adjuvant chemotherapy to have any effect at all it had to be administered within 6 weeks post surgery .
Idk too much but I loss my husband to this dreaded disease. He was never given an immunotherapy drug. They gave it to President Carter & he is in remission! Have u heard or been offered it? I feel
Like it could be something positive against this disease. Good luck!!!
Started my chemotherapy today , have been put on sreroids for 4 days, this was 10 hours ago, but am told side effects can come up to 5 days in , at present I feel ok