Hi just started adjuvant chemo ,l have been feeling very resistant to have this but my histology wasn't as rosie as first described from surgery so here l am ,first day done of cistaplatin and venorabaline still feeling very nervous of what it will do to me long term effects bother me rather than the general short term effects which l accept are ghastly .However whilst counts are ok l am going for a swim this morning, as l feel no matter what, post surgery l have to try and keep lung fit as able .The steroids should help with the swimming so make good of the small bonuses.π
Chemo days : Hi just started adjuvant... - The Roy Castle Lu...
Chemo days
I'm surprised your getting chemo if they caught it early. Did they say why you needed it?
Rubyxx π
Hi it was in two of my lymph nodes and is poorly differentiated which basically it means that the cells are chaotic and the cancer in my case is more likely to recur and is more difficult to treat .I would like to think this is belt and braces but l tend to think that from what l have read it might recur anyway .l know this sounds grim but for me facing reality is better so l can focus on what's important family and making the most of those precious things in life.

I hope your chemo experience is bearable in the short term and worthwhile in the longer term. It can be difficult to know what is for the best, but you are giving your treatment team and your body all the support you can to reduce the risk of recurrence.
Ruby - chemo is sometimes used after surgery as a way of mopping up any residual cancer cells. We have a Patient Decision Aid which explains why and when chemotherapy might be considered after surgery.
Diane - keeping yourself fit and active will work in your favour, but don't put too much pressure on yourself if you feel unwell during chemo. If you need more information we do have a chemotherapy booklet available to download from roycastle.org or we can send you a copy if you call us on freephone 0333 323 7200 option 2.
best wishes
on behalf of the Information & Support team
Hi Diane, I had the same adjuvant chemo mix after my Lobectomy in 2011, unfortunately I had to change the Cistaplatin to the sister drug Carboplatin as the first one had given me Tinnitus. I had been diagnosed with squamous nsclc and tolerated the chemo pretty well. The first 3 days were ok with the steroids then I seemed to hit a wall. So I would suggest that as Lorraine said if your body tells you to rest you should listen to it.
In December 2014 I was diagnosed with Carcinoma in the same lung and a couple of other places so I don't consider it a re-occurrence as it is totally different type, so you could say I am still free of the first cancer.
Best Wishes Rab.
Thanks Rabbi ,there is always some light somewhere in these new situations, even if it has a cheek to dare to show up again .You keep me going at least you managed 3yrs without any cancer ,hope all treatment is going well for the second one .l am normally am an upbeat type of person this just hits you hard you have to square up to things and figure out a plan if the first plan fails .Readjust and carry on.π
Hi Diane,
I hope you enjoyed your swim and are feeling ok.Making your lung work hard every day is something I have been told to do.Keep us informed how with how you are getting on.
Hi ,swimming did go well only did 10 lengths though in case l fainted or something with all the chemo meds ,didn't want to embarrass myself in the pool still on steroids at the moment stop tomorrow ,but still planning another swim ,l know l have chemo but l am still only 8 weeks post lobectomy so l am still trying my best to be active ,l am also contemplating the gym and just getting on a bike for half an hour just to get the heart and lungs going a bit as getting dressed and undressed for swimming might be too much when counts drop ,in the end that might be too hard then it will be walking again as initially post op ,just don't want end up with a pneumonia or something . Trying to keep positive and hopeful π