6 weeks ago I had a left upper lobectomy for a 3.7 cm mass no chemo or radiation required. When the PET scan was done they found the ovarian cyst 22 cm by 16 cm by 14 cm which did not light up I had an ultrasound and the report states cyst or adenocarcinoma. Have an appointment this coming week with specialist. My question is because it did not light up on PET scan it should not be cancer correct?
Large ovarian cyst: 6 weeks ago I had a... - Lung Cancer Support
Large ovarian cyst

I had a cyst on my ovary pretty good sized ovary,i,m 69 my ovaries should be almost gone at my age should be no bigger than a peanut. They didn,t do pet scan just ct scan ,ultra sound. Went back 6 weeks later done a ultra sound,ovary and cyst was gone no sign of them. That was extremely weird never did get an answer. light up it shouldn,t be cancer. When you see specialist would you please let me know i will worry about you. every one on here is a great bunch and they will help too,they may have a diffirent answer for you. let us know were here for you. susiejo1948
Welcome sharby563. I don't feel competent to answer your question, but feel that without a biopsy, you can't know for sure what the ovarian mass is. I had a similar ovarian mass removed 14 years ago. Fortunately it was an adenoma and benign. The specialist you are seeing this coming week will be your best resource to answer any questions.
Please let us know what you find out. I pray for good news.

Contrary to popular belief, doctors don’t just order biopsies because they can. They have to prove to the insurance company that there is a reason they want this done. It may have some characteristic other than size that warrants a biopsy. There are some indolent cancers that don’t light up in a PET
Because this is ovarian and not uterine I would want the doctor to err on the side of caution. Ovarian cancer has no warning symptoms. Like lung cancer it is curable if caught at an early stage and, like lung cancer, has a poor outcome if caught late stage.
Please let us know how this comes out.
My ovarian cyst showed up during CT scan for my lung cancer. Had a hysterectomy and it came back borderline ovarian cancer. My mother had ovarian cancer. Can’t answer your question about PET scan but make sure you discuss with gynecologist. My oncologist referred me when this showed up and glad I had it removed. Didn’t need anything else to muddy the water while I was dealing with lung cancer. No evidence of lung cancer for two years now.
All the best to you!
When I was diagnosed with scan for my lung cancer, I also had to have an ultrasound since something seen on my ovary. I had ovaries removed and my cyst was borderline. The main thing to remember is now that it is found something can be done about it. I felt lucky it was discovered. Sounds like you are on the right track by seeing a specialist. Keep me posted on how you are doing.
All the best,
How did your appointment with the specialist go?
It went better than I expected. Will be doing laparoscopic so happy about that need to get clearance from PCP and Pulmonologist then will be scheduled. Makes me more hopeful as I was back to work in 2 weeks after left upper lobectomy by VATS and robot so should be back in 1 week with this surgery hopefully. Thank you for asking.