She was pleased with how the legs are going down and explained what next and when to order Farrow wraps. All good really pleased with how they are doing. Looking forward to finishing the bandaging and being able to take then off at night ! xgins
8th week of triple bandaging had appointment with lov... - LSN
8th week of triple bandaging had appointment with lovely Nurse specialist at Dumfriess

Well done you! Best of luck
I am very pleased for you ,and you have made my day.I saw my GP on Wednesday and finally she is making an appointment for me to see specialists at hospital for bandageing treatment for my swollen legs.I know it's not going to be a short process ,but everyone i have spoken to ,have been happy with the bandage treatment and the swelling has all but disappeared and are now happy wearing compression stockings .
I can't wait to start ,my legs are at bursting point,Thats the way i feel.Good luck to you and all the very best to you for the remainder of your treatment ,and a big round of applause to the wonderful nurse treating you ,well done.
its a shame they couldnt have stated the process sooner for you, with me a nurse came to the surgery and checked if i could have compression, she apllied the three layer bandaging and then the surgery continued it with a review from her,Meant it all got going, mine actually burst sio i know what yours feel like, its worth it in the end, good luck, i have been to a lymphodema clinic but it took 18months to get there!!!
Well done - I was introduced to farrow wraps last year - and I know it sounds sad but I love them - so much quicker and easier than bandaging but do the job. best of luck
Well done, gutsy girl! And keep up the good spirits ... and hold on to that super nurse.
Great news, well done
Hi Gins,
How your story made me smile, I could almost feel how happy you are. So chuffed for you.
Good luck with the farrow wraps, they are amazing, you can get then real tight and the difference is almost immediate. Every day you take them of to have a shower or bath you will see how good they are doing you.
keep us posted, but best of luck.