I am a relatively fit 55 year old with unilateral primary lower limb lymphoedema. Since diagnosis two years ago I have been advised to continue with the exercise I was doing prior to the car crash 💥 diagnosis. I was used to running a couple of times weekly to keep fit for about an hour or so approx 10k. I gave this up as I found my leg was suffering too much with the intensity of the exercise and despite resting it post exercise I was worried I was making things worse! Instead I have resorted to slightly less impactful exercise- walking/ hiking pilates and yoga classes at the weekend and a swim.
I have just been away for an amazing weeks hiking in the french alps doing a section of the GR5. This entailed pretty strenuous days hiking of circa 22-26ks with a backpack 🎒! I have to confess by day 7 my leg was not happy and I found the swelling struggled to reduce in the evening and overnight. I am pleased to say I am now fully rested after a few days of doing very little hiking/ exercise apart from short walks and notably my leg is returning to its normal pre holiday size!
Apologies this is quite a ramble but I’d like to hear from anyone who like me loves the outdoors and enjoys hiking in the mountains if they feel this is something that has made their lymphedema worse over the years? I’d love to continue a trip like this yearly but fear I maybe pushing the boundaries too much and leading to deterioration of my condition.🫣🥴🧐