I was diagnosed with cellulitis on Wednesday at an appointment with the lymphoedema clinic after not seeing anyone about it for 3 years. Until I found this site I didn't realise that you should be remeasured every year. They were very good and immediately diagnosed with cellulitis. I knew that my leg hurt but I had been rearranging my bedroom the day before and also have osteoarthritis as the pain was like I had been hit with a stick. They measured my legs and then told me that the stockings had been measured wrong in the first place as they shouldn't have been the same size. The nurse phoned my surgery and I had an appointment at 3.40pm. She went to get another nurse as she was new to the job and wanted confirmation and she took my temperature which was 38.4°. The other nurse said that I had to go straight to A & E with that temperature.
My other condition which is very severe at the moment is anxiety and depression, the only way I got to the appointment was by my husband taking me and this is just an appointment, he knew there was no way he could get me to A&E. So took me home and phoned the surgery only to find that they hadn't cancelled the appointment. So we went to the appointment and I must admit that I wasn't in a good place at that point and was very rude, considering the fact that only ever seen me once the GP felt that we were to try oral antibiotics for a couple of days and I to see him tomorrow morning. If there has been no change I will be sent to A&E and be admitted.
I have been checking my temputure 4 times a day and on my thermometer it has been steadily coming down. But this afternoon about 30 minutes after I had a shower my leg felt soaking wet it was and covered with blisters that were filling up with clear fluid and then just dribbling down my leg constantly. What I want to know is this a good sign or a bad sign
Sorry about the long post and thank you for getting to the end and help you can give me