Hi all. It's been awhile since I updated on my SURGERY (SAPL) on my left leg for lymphedema. It been 4 months now and I did have a bit of a setback. At my 3 month mark, I caught a bad case of cellulitis in the leg i had the surgery. Was in hospital for 3 or 4 days. Very usual to get cellulitis in that leg so soon after surgery but I did. The surgery itself went great and I'm still please with results. However, since having the infection and being treated with the antibiotic clindmacyn I have been so sick to stomach and have no energy. Even tho I stopped takin it a month ago. I'm told it is normal. Has anyone taken clindamycin and experience the bone tired weariness and stomach problems. If so how long did you have the side effects after stopping the medicine? Would really appreciate any input. I was really doing well up until 3 month mark after my SURGERY but this medicine has really knocked me off my game. Thanks for any input.
Snaomi: Hi all. It's been awhile since I updated on my... - LSN

Hi Snaomi
I'm really sorry to hear of your cellulitis episode - it's a very scary infection which I've had twice in the past year. It would be very disappointing for you to get it only 3 months after your SAPL op. I know of others who've had SAPL who have not had cellulitis problems afterward. It sounds like you are feeling better which is great to hear. Two good Lymphie friends have had SAPL in the past 1.5 years which thy are very pleased with the results - one of them is having a second SAPL op today as her Lymphie leg was so huge due to Milroys disease (LE from birth) . It's a brilliant op for reduction and I'm sure in the long run you will feel more optimistic again, your set back is only temporary - I haven't had experience with the meds you mentioned so I can't comment. I hope they help you and that you have no further cellulitis! Xx
Hello, I never took that medication but where did you had your surgery?
It's Suction Assisted Protein Lipectomy to reduce the bulk of hardened fibrotic tissue that builds up over years of having LE in a limb.
SAPL stands for Suction Assisted Protein Lipectomy which a surgery many with longstanding severe LE undergo. It's not generally covered by the NHS or private insurance. There are a few UK surgeons trained to undertake the op, as well as some in the US, Scandinavia, and Europe. It reduces the bulk on the limb caused by hardened fibrotic tissue that builds up over years of having LE in a limb
It's Suction Assisted Protein Lipectomy to reduce the bulk of hardened fibrotic tissue that builds up over years of having LE in a limb.
Hi snaomi,sorry to hear you have suffered a setback,I do hope you are now back on your way to recovery. I cant comment on the side effect of your meds but strong penicillan has the same effect on me.Hope it passes soon.How is your leg now do you still have the strange sensations?and are you coping sleeping with your garments on?I ask because as i am a few week behind you in recovery sometimes think circulation is affected by op as still have different feelings in lower leg.Take care of yourself and pray you have no more setback x
Lindabell98 my leg is doing well but recovery is interesting. So the feeling is coming back in stages. When it gets real itchy and uncomfortable I know a healing phase is happening and within a day or 2 it starts to feel a little better. While it doesn't prevent from doing things, I think full recovery will be at least a year. The garment is the hardest thing especially at night or during hot weather. Sometimetimes I just stop and sit or lay down and take garment off for a half hour or so. That seems to help. My leg looks great except I still have some swelling in my ankle and foot. But even that seems to be going down asomewhat. I was told that would be last to reduce in swelling. I get massage every other wee from therapist and measured every other week. I do my own self massage at home most days. I am happy with my surgery just frustrated with recouping from the infection and the antibiotic. Be patient, I think the feeling in your lower leg will slowly improve in stages. Hope this helps a little. Keep me posted.
Sharon Boyett
Libmeg hey Linda, just a quick follow to my earlier post. At about 3 months to 3.5 months I was wondering if my leg was always going to feel odd. Like numb feeling. Butduring that time to noe much has improved. I started using this product called Arnica. I rub it into my feet,ankle and legs. It has made a big difference as it is to speed up healing. I think the nerves fire on in stages. If you ever want to email me you can at 3daughtersranch@gmai.com. or you can call me at (209)329-2671. All My best to you.
Hi Sharon,thanks for sharing your experiences it helps to know its part of the journey.Just been for 3 month check up and I am so pleased my leg has lost another 55% of excess volume and my new garments have been ordered in a smaller size have been reassured everything is going well.You say you are having difficulty sleeping with your garment on,so was I but at last visit was measured and ordered a garment for sleeping only which was a lower class which I tolerate no problem and I now know it has not caused any slow down in recovery but definately lets me sleep,I have been using it for 2 month now.Maybe something you could ask about.Keep in touch with your progress with hopefully no more infections.regards Linda x
Can you tell me what kind if sleep g garment they ordered or what class. Thank you.
Hiya its a mediven mending ccl1 R made to measure as my other garment which is a class 3.it really is comfortable to sleep in xLinda
Re stomach problems with antibiotics. I always take a pro biotic capsule specially formulated to take with that medication. Seems to work!
I was prescribed clindamycin after a tooth extraction and had a very severe reaction to it so had to stop taking it after one day; all the symptoms you describe. You should have stopped taking it immediately. Get your GP to prescribe a difference antibiotic if you still need one. Of course you shouldn't take alcohol with any antibiotics but this one is particularly dangerous to mix with alcohol.
Glad the surgery was a success. NNE
I was first prescribed Clindamycin by the team at St George's. It is the only I can take now without an allergic reaction and happily I tolerate it well.
I do take probiotics with it as someone else mentioned. I lose my appetite when taking the drug and I am aware that it needs to be taken prudently because of the possible side effects it can produce.
Use is restricted locally but as I can't take any other antibiotics when I have cellulitis I start taking it promptly.
I hope you are not as restricted as I am and that things will improve soon.