and the other day is 6 hours and im really stuggling with the swelling even tho i were my stocking and have my leg massaged every 10-14 days and use kineso taping. Any advice would b really helpfull. thank you.
Hi every1; Im just after some advice really. i have ju... - LSN
Hi every1; Im just after some advice really. i have just started a new job working in a hot kitchen one of my days is 11 hours on my feet

I think that what makes it worse is standing motionless in one place, but if your job makes you or allows you to move around, then this should be like exercising. The other question you raised is the heat. The only help you can have is to wear trousers made from light material but at the same time you need, if I understand your job correctly to protect yourself from hot food spilling on your legs, so then light material can't protect you enough. The only solution will be to wear baggy trousers from protective material. And good luck!
Hello, to be honest. I was working in a restaurant too for years. I have worked in the kitchen, which was not good for me because you don't move a lot and it is too hot. The bar was less hot, but no moving too. Then I went to order and serve diner, and the restaurant had lots of stairs so this actually improved my le!
I know this is not what you want to hear. I do not know how severe your lymphedema is. Mine worsened after a stupid accident with the bike. I just can tell you, that if you have the possibility to change to another job function this would be much better. After what I know now (after my injury it worsened a lot) : when your le gets much worse to a point that it is only getting worse no matter what you do, this is to every aspect of my life very hard to deal with. If you are at a point that it is not severe yet, you have to do everything to keep it that way.
I changed my job, I did not like it off course. But you get used to it. Unfortunately now, I have to work part-time because there is no job that I can still do full time. This I can't get used to... Take care! Your health is at first place. Honestly! Do self MLD when you get home, try to do some exercise for circulation, take a foot bath, eat healthy, drink lots of water... go swimming when you have time...
My advice to you is to wear those trousers that double up as a short (where you unzip the legs) or baggy cotton based trousers and have a water spray. When you feel hot and when you have a spare couple of minutes, reveal your legs and spray them with the water spray. The evaporation effect will make your legs feel a lot cooler.
Hope that helps - I live by this technique I just wear shorts on warm days..
As for the swelling the only advice I have is again to take yourself away from the kitchen and elevate your leg and rest your foot on a wall or something and gently massage your legs or 'roll' or if you can shake them in the air for about two minutes. At least that will help displace some of the swelling and let you carry on with your job.
I have a pneumatic compression machine which I use every night from 20 minutes-1 hour, depending on the condition of my leg. It really helps a lot. It's a small machine with a large sleeve that fits over my leg (there are connections for two sleeves if both legs are affected). The compressions begin at the foot and move up to the thight, then begin again. It's very soothing as well as helpful in pushing the fluid up the leg. I hope that helps.
its very difficult with jobs where you are standing, I was a nurse for 34 yrs but had to give my job up because my needs couldn't be accommodated and I couldn't do 12 ht shifts. it was heartbreaking and there seems little support from anywhere to help us keep our jobs, good luck.
Thank u all 4 ur replies. If im honest i know im in the wrong job and enviroment 4 my leg. My dilema is tho ive only just started this job and im a single parent so quitting just aint really an option and i feel stuck in this now and its getting me down.
Hi im also on my feet during work if im standing still for a while ive found it helps to move the feet in a circular motion and go up and down on your tip toes to help move the fluid build up.I do
think the heat has a lot to do with it ive worked in kitchens before my cancer and lympheodema
i know how hot they can get. I keep a spray bottle with me when its really hot and spray my legs
over compression tights it really cools them down,ive recently discovered spray cans like deodrant
but its just water a lot easier for the handbag!! Hope this helps