I have had lymphedema in my left leg for 26 years due to cancer and managed it quite well, 3 years ago I had a right hip replacement, again recovered well. But now the arthritis in my left hip is so painful that a replacement is the cards sooner rather than later. I have cellulitis many times in this leg, once leading to septicaemia, so I am nervous to say the least about having it done. Can anyone give some words of encouragement ?!!!
Has anyone had a hip replacement on an effected limb? ... - LSN
Has anyone had a hip replacement on an effected limb? if so how did it go?

I've got two clients who have had very successful hip replacements on their affected side. (One lady has had both replaced, 2 years apart) . LIke you, both were nervous about having it done, but the surgical teams were brilliant, and there was no infection either before during or after surgery. Have you talked it over with your surgeon?
Not yet, I have only just accepted that it needs to be done after my doctors nagging and two months of severe pain, thankfully though at the moment the pain has recede back to discomfort which I can live with, but back to the docs on Monday and I am going to ask for a referral to the lymphedema clinic then take it from there. Just needed some information for my own peace of mind and to know what questions to ask.
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Thank you for bringing up that question Nannygeorge, as I too require, at some time in the future, a left hip replacement which also is on my worse lymp. leg. This is very reassuring to read.
I know you can get lymp. on either limb but I do read so many times the left side of a body. Interesting.
I hope to read sometime in the future that your operation has been successful and that you did not know what you were worried about
hi nannygeorge & harpy1
i had some more surgery on my lymphoedema-affected torso 2 months ago
i usually take 1g a day of penicillin for prophylaxis, but swapped to full doses of augmentin from the day of surgery & stayed on them for 6 weeks before stepping back down to penicillin
that worked for me - no infection, no problems with seromas despite 2 big scars
that may sound a bit drastic, but you know how poorly we can get & the last thing you want when you're trying to get a new hip working is to be laid up with a raging temperature & spreading rash
i was so surprised at how well i felt - definitely worth it, as far as i'm concerned
good luck both of you with your ops
I have lymphoedema in both legs and have had hip replacements in both hips ... what joy!!! I had them done about a year apart about 5 years ago.
I have to say that although the legs were more swollen initially, once I got home and was able to wear my normal hosiery and sleep with my legs elevated they returned after a week or so to what is normal for me! I had no problem with infection and the wound healed well. I was just so pleased when they had been done... the pain stopped, which for me was the main thing!
I hope all goes well for you
Kind regards