Have only posted here two - three times so far, but just wanted to update ye with my progress.
Seen my specialist in November, not a very good meeting, but I persuaded him to change my inhalers. I was crying to him as I had no life, struggling every day . I was on stertide and spiriva for 2 to 3 years. And my asthma was getting worse. Three attacks in December, five lots of steroids in 2019.
I was part of a study that monitored how I was taking my inhalers and that was 100% but was still very unwell. An underlying issue was suggested.
I'm now on relvar and incruse for the last two months. I have gone on a gluten free, dairy free and sugar free diet and supplements with the support of my nutritionist. I am barely taking my ventolin, no more breathlessness, or pain. I'm taking part in a strictly dancing competition, rehearsing 3 days a week. Couldnt walk or exercise up to now. I feel amazing. See my specialist again in February, he will be shocked at my improvement, lost 8.5 lb too..
Before now I felt there was no hope, doctors weren't listening, and kept saying my asthma is different. I now think it's not just asthma, after 9 years.. I'm hoping now my life has changed for the better and I can manage this myself and get back to living 100%.