So today after living without my zyrtec an flonase for 5 days I had my appt with the allergy/asthma specialist. His recommendation is my asthma is to unstable to do the allergy testing at this time ..(this is where i wanted to scream R U KIDDING ME?) but did i ? No I just fell off my chair an made him pick me up ... 👍... my breathing test was good an he told me that he wasn’t sure what exactly what was causing all my issues. Well this is where i am screaming (silently) DEAR Lord help me because there is no one who seems to know what to do with me. I mean could This all just be in my head? I mean just because my o2 sats drop at night an I am sob, coughing, cheat tightness , using nebulizer An rescue inhalers every 4 hrs. I am beginning to think maybe I just have an ULCER? Or idk maybe a hitial hernia ? Ok im not serious but its like heck am i gonna have to FIGURE this out ?? I suppose a medical degree would prob b required however since i am way past my prime so Im thinking this is prob not an option. So the allergist prescribed symbicort an add that to my advair will only be a copay of 258.00 a month... wonder what an old kidney is bringing these days ? Sorry to ramble on ... just venting or maybe hyperventilating....
The latest an greatest : So today after... - Living with Asthma
The latest an greatest

Feeel so bad it must get better it sounds bad but you will get thru it your in my prayers Trisham!
Hi Trisham, I've been dealing with asthma for 30 years. Started in my 20's. I would recommend that you take yoga or something similar. This will help you deal with the anxiety that goes along with asthma. It is a vicious circle, you get a little short of breath, you worry that it will get worse, it gets worse and you panic, making breathing even harder. Talk to your Doctor about an antianxiety medicine or try yoga, meditation or prayer. Good Luck to you!
I can so relate to the anxiety seems like dealing with asthma alone is bad enough.... but i guess this is just part of the disease... my dr prescribed me something which helps an lets me rest at night. I have never really tried meditation but its an idea! An prayers always! Thank you 😀
Like you I struggle! Symbicort did nothing for me, tried Spiriva and it was amazing, but insurance changed and they won't cover it and at insurance request I am doing something called encruse. I am on the fence about it.

Hi Trisha,
I nearly got a coughing spell laughing at the image of you falling from your chair!!!
Seriously though. How frustrating! Why didn't he do blood draw allergy test. It won't potentially trigger breathing issues. Just had allergy testing and doc was concerned skin test could cause breathing issues. He did spirometry test first to decide skin or blood testing. (Spirometry good enough to do skin).
Relaxed breathing exercises; meditation; yoga...all great ways to get control over breathing and relax. I've found journaling (I'll need to burn them for the rants they include, don't want anyone to read them) really helps. I simply write, vent, question... It helps getting it out. I call these my "chats with God."
Bottom line, whatever helps you relax in that moment of flare is a step in the right direction.
Praying you get some better answers before you bruise yourself in the attempt!!
I am so sorry I gave u a coughing spell ... 😷....he did do a spirometry test which was ok .... an i got an appt to come back in a month!! Whoop whoop !! I have a fu with pulmonologist today .. i am thinking that being nice an compliant has completely been the wrong approach... thinking i am try the exact opposite today an see what happens!!! Thanks for ur encouraging words, they r most appreciated!!!