Anxiety consumed me: Anxiety has... - Living with Anxiety

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Anxiety consumed me

3 Replies

Anxiety has consumed me since I was 12. Now I'm 28 stuck in my room and I never knew how to break free from social anxiety. I try to be hopeful, but I hate being comfortable stuck in my room. I wish things were different. Sorry just venting what's on my mind. I just wonder what a normal life is like...sorry I don't mean to sound pathetic, I'm just getting how I feel out. Anyway God Bless.

3 Replies

Hello :-)

Please don't be sorry , you never have to be sorry especially in these Communities about having anxiety , and posting is what they are here for so we can talk and get out how we are feeling :-)

However I am sorry that you are so young and stuck in your bedroom because of anxiety , I am a lot older than you and have been agoraphobic 18 years which is no fun

I wonder if you have tried asking for help , maybe speak with your Doctor some kind of Counselling , medication ?

This is a small quite group but there is also Anxiety Support on here not sure if you are a member as well in that Community as well as Anxiety / Depression support Group you can post in them all and get feed back the more help the better I say but you are welcome on here and whenever you feel like talking someone is always about to listen :-)

Take Care x

No1wthayla profile image

Hi, FaithWarrior. Lulu-1 is right. Don't apologize about posting how you feel. Anxiety is a weird monster. You want to be around people but you can't stand all of the talking, all of the laughter, all of the crowd. I have a hearing problem and crowds make it nearly impossible for me to be social even with friends. I actually like being alone most of the time. Just wish the one person (my daughter) who said she would help could get up and cook every now and then. Or clean without me having to ask. I love her but she's driving me nuts.

As for a normal life, I don't think I've ever had normal.

EuroJoy profile image

Anxiety is very real - so don't feel bad about sharing. In fact thank you for being honest with your struggle. Have you ever sought counseling for anxiety? Focus on things that are good in life, all those things you can be thankful for. I usually go to God in prayer whenever I begin to feel anxious about something. It calms me, when I know I can leave everything in the Hands of the One who takes care of the entire world.

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