Does anyone get stomach pains when anx... - Living with Anxiety

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Does anyone get stomach pains when anxious

56 Replies

When I worry and upset I get a knot like feeling in my upper stomach and I loose apitite I read stress effects the stomach it takes me a while to recover and is a dull ache like a bruise anyone had this i take lanzaprozil sometimes to stop a ulcer forming from acid I need to meditate and practice relaxation more

56 Replies

Hi :-)

Not doing great why I am quite but yes your stomach can play up when anxious

I get IBS all down to anxiety

I have to watch what I eat and drink as certain foods and drink make it worse

Can take some working out what food and drink makes it worse but if you do eat or drink something and it does start jotting it down so you know to avoid them :-)

Don't like bringing the subject up but alcohol is one of the worse things you can drink that creates acid :-(

Hope you got your planting done :-)

Take Care x

O dear , sorry to heart that I am sure it will sort itself out

Not great with my health in general , bad day to , different reasons but still not great :-) x


Love the profile pic

You seem to take things so much better than I would with the skin thing

But if the cream works which I hope it does at least they are on top of things and have caught it all quick so will sort it out one way or another even though that does not always stop the anxiety

As for anxiety I am not in a good place at all , I have never been as bad as I am now

I think people are right in never make a decision when there is so much happening , I would say wait till things are more stable before you do :-)

Yes this storm is what we needed it was getting past a joke the heat we had here , it is a lot fresher :-) x

Whatever way you feel best coping about your Dad's funeral is fine , you will find your way but grieving is different and coping to for everyone

Let me know how you are after , will be thinking about you

Thank you as well I wish you could take this away for me to but we have each other to relate to :-) x

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I am watching my comedy not going out made me laugh we all need to laugh more u fell asleep after I messaged you I will send loving thoughts to you when I do my loving kindness c d and to visualise you feeling better I guess that's all I can do hope you get a good night's sleep pixie Bob send a big loving meowowow lol x

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I mean I fell asleep lol this text typing is terrible I'm on phone internet x

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Morning :-)

Hope you are feeling a bit better , I am not

Noticed you have deleted most of your replies on this post , is there something wrong ? :-) x

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Thank You :-) x

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Hi just worried mam may see my posts don't want her worrying she knows my name on here and with my cat pic on I feel exposed sorry didn't do the mediation cd didn't have it here and was so tired still am I'm going to bed now been sorting funeral clothes out I got bright blouse dad liked bright colours and been talking to mam's nebour and her twin they said deal with one thing at a time and don't go over past stuff they were like councellors I broke down at one point whereas before that tried to talk to mam she just bits in all time and gives her opinion my false tooth fell out I threw it across room I told her wanted to talk please listen, it's only her that I blow my top with mam's nebour said I love your mam but she's not always the best person to advice as they said she too negative mam can't see this about herself, sorry for babbling I will prey for you tonight I did say a little one on way to sleep last night and the scotch butterfly came to see me again it's left mam for a while it's here more it came on scene when step dad died take care I'll let you know how funeral went xx

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Hi :-)

I am sorry but had to laugh and nothing much is making me laugh when you said you threw your false tooth at your Mu to get her attention :-D

The neighbour is right , one thing at a time and remember everyone is different so what suites one does not always suite another but does not make you wrong if your way is different !

I will be thinking about you and thank you for the prayers I hope they soon start working :-) x

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Lol oh that made me laugh you laughing at tooth god I thought yesterday maby I can make you smile at some of my bizare antics this was unintended lol it was my temper the tooth loose and fell out lolball mam went on about was how much it cost if broke lol I said I've 6 that don't fit lol bloody hell lol lol yeu it's funny let's hope it doesn't fall out tomorrow on my dad's grave I'm not bothered now it's just half hour then over he's not in coffin he came to me earlier he hasn't been for a while I've got his photo and my step dads at bedside locker I'm so glad you had a giggle maby that's why it happened to make you smile I can't believe I threw it across room good job it small or never have found it lol lol I'm giggling now so glad made you smile hope to make you smile again soon lots of love me and pixie Bob x

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It's good you have some sense of humour in all this , it does help :-D

Have you glued it back in then or what :-D

Yes lets hope it does not make it's final debut with your Dad keep your mouth tightly shut :-/ x

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Haha yeu keep mouth shut I only glue it when eating in public but I guess I need to when arguing with mam lol I'm giggling now night night x

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P s I'll change my profile pic to my tooth lolbthatveill make you giggle

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Make sure you have the glue in your bag just in case :-D

Night x

Just to let you know I am thinking about you and your tooth :-/ x

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Hi thank you today went well the coffin never bothered me I had couple of weeks and cuddled my sister a nice relation came a cousin not seen since young I held his hand he came as new dad from treating him in the home he a paramedic real nice guy he said look me up on Facebook he done a lot for cancer charity's I'm looking to trace my other cousins on dad's side, he said his dad got the last plot in family plot there was 8 brothers sisters he found his dad in bath after 6 weeks dead, I woke up and calmness was in me and pixie licked my hand and snuggling up close bless him dad's spirit came to me and mam as we spoke on phone my legs went goosey hairs on end I feel like I can cope with anything it's so strange hope your feeling better how are you I'm watching appollo comedians then bed x

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I mean couple weeps not weeks lol

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Hi I came across your post on anxiety about your son going back to work but I came out of the site and lost it but found you. My mam said try to stay positive there's only a small fraction in Britain with virus you know the safety precautions. I have a friend and nebour who work on the front line and my recently met cousin the paramedic they have stayed free of the virus, my nebour a nurse said it's a strange virus she had been in close contact with her work colleague who had it she never cought it was tested for antibodies. My mam visited her great grandchildren accidentally got too close a few times and she's ok my niece and her husband have had to go shopping and him to work from the start and we all managed to be free of virus, I wish I could say something to help my loving kindness thoughts are going out to you and your family and everyone who has to work out there take care x

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Thank You :-)

Thank you for your words of encouragement , really appreciate

My anxiety is rock bottom and why I am a little quite

I hope you are as well as you can be though :-) x

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Good morning how are you are you any better and how is your son getting on at work does he feel safe are they able to do social distancing? I just thought I would tell you I have taken your advice I am drinking warm water everyday and special diet for liver not onion gravy lol I could never eat liver I don't eat meat.

I want to get my high count lowered and I can't see it happening even with controlled drinking my white cell count needs to improve too and alcohol is bad for that as you know, I'm back on h r t patches at last that I was told by specialist 2 years ago helps ease anxiety it's just low dose I been off it a year as the manufacturers had problem with the glue. I am sleeping better it takes a while to work properly I enjoyed a double decker dipped in cocoa last night. I had a call from a job I had to turn down 3 weeks before lockdown as me and mam locked down in advance due to our anxiety I asked if they would put in on hold until the virus is sorted, it is only casual work I'll have to wear a mask etc it's only short shifts helping children on school bus my friend said there's only 4 allowed or some go in a taxi then it's just one won't start until September so will know by then if virus is back I think then be another lockdown I was looking to get a spaniel in the future but shocked at ridiculous raise in prices 2 3 even 5ooo pound due to people wanting company and to entertain children during lockdown we went for bike ride in park that was safe and exercise always helps me. I got some planters made from decking and my osterspurnums and carnations in after a week sat on the sink poor things and it's just rained all the time x

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Hello :-)

Lovely to hear from you I wondered how you were doing but sometimes people need their space and thought you may have done after all you have been dealing with :-)

You sound like you are doing really well and that was so nice to read and well done you !

That little job that sounds just about right , I have a few friends that do that and they really enjoy it , I think it sounds perfect , we will see by then what things are like but I think it would be so good for you as well as the extra cash :-)

My Son is back at work , he looks after disabled people so it is hard to have social distancing , yes I am nervous about it but so far their homes are all clear and fingers crossed as they are doing everything by the book it will stay that way

Me I am worse though , my health is not great , I have been having a pain in my lower left side as well as suffering with dreadful indigestion , I have a Doctors visit tomorrow and feel physically sick at the thought , I have HA , I want peace of mind but I don't want to be told anything is wrong at the same time ( if that makes sense ) so still hanging on here

I was just saying to the hubby look at the poor plants they are all getting drowned as well as all the hard work you know when you garden you put in and when it eventually stops raining we feel we will be back to square one tidying everything up yet again

I have decided when we move next year hopefully my garden is going to be contemporary , minimal but clean lines still looking nice but with little to do as much as I have enjoyed this as we are getting older it is a lot of hard work and takes up a lot of your time :-)

Sounds like you have been so busy in your garden , I bet you must feel you have really achieved something when you look at it :-)

Lovely you have come on and said hello , always nice to hear from you :-) x

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Hi yes so nice to hear from you I had also thought you may need some time off here with you having a lot going on. What do you think the left side pain is is your swollen foot still same? I have on off indegestion but after a bad bout of it I stick to like potato with no skin mashed carrot fish easy to digest things and I have lanzaprozil as a back up don't need it all the time. I still have anxiety on off I find if I keep busy cutting my buddhlia trees and russhian vine went berserk with the endless rain and help mam with her garden been painting her big fensce in-between rain it tires me out like the swimming did and the exercise really helps release the seretonin dug some potatoes up Sunday so cute too soon but how nice to grow the peas in pods are lovely too were extending her veg area I'll grow tomatoes and beans again next year. I have put false grass on my scruffy yard where the drains got dug and it looks amazing if I stay here or move to mam's nebours that's all up in air still I'll have false grass a bit longer pile for the garden than my yard is, you may want to consider that and I have a border with chippings easy to maintain and planters I do like my for conifers and budhlias and shrub bushes that come every year my purple and pink petunias look nice but nothings come to much need more sun I found 2 slugs that eat some I put them in park lol at least they were spared the pellets I hate killing anything but it's them or the plants next year I'm getting plants that come every year with nice daisy flowers like asterspurnums and carnations. Let me know how you get on with the health worker we can look forward to Saturday and summer back for a week x

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My foot seems to be behaving at the moment

Could be as I have been in such a high state of anxiety for that long and I suffer with my stomach something to do with that , I really don't know and why I have asked her out but me been me thinking she will say it is something bad and making myself feel sick with worry :-(

Gosh you have been busy in the garden and slugs don't start me on them :-D

Yes they say the rain will stop at the weekend , temps not to great for the time of year but at least if it is dry that is something :-) x

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I am same if upset it effects my stomache sometimes I can't eat please try the chamomile tea it is good for stomach heeling and helps relax and deep breath when you have it well in-between sips lol I'm still sat in dressing gown I cought my bad leg and it's sore I'm counting the time down 3 more weeks of cream then 4 until castle hill check up I've heard it's common so I'm not too worried it's just been patient waiting again I got 8 weeks about until blood tests and a week to see if my mam nebours buyers have got mortgage then she said if they havnt will give me few weeks to sell mine and not bother with anyone else in that time I'm leaving it to fate and as I mentioned before it is a worry about future flooding I think I worry about that more than my health when it's raining so much I always j wish I could train my mind not to worry, I hope you get the tea please please lol x

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Just for you I will put that tea on my shopping list :-)

I wish I could be as calm as you regarding health

Let me know how you get on with your leg :-) x

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Hi glad your getting chamomile tea the one I like the best I don't know if you remember me mentioning it it's from Morrisons in a pale blue box with a daisy on like your picture Morrisons make, when I first tried chamomile tea I got one from Asda and at first I thought oh I'm not sure but it was ok I needed it as for my diet to heel my colon so I persevered and got used to it I went back on it last year with all my stress over rats and my stomach problems and found the daisy box one actually nice hope you perservere if can't get that one i been getting used to green tea as it's good for the liver I think our taiste buds get used to things how are you any better I'm tired out need sun just settling down for my soaps lol hope you have a good night and enjoy your garden in the sun tomorrow x

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Not sure if we can get Morrisons but will try and if not we will have to have Tesco or Sainsburys :-) x

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Hi how did you get on with nurse I was on off all day with anxiety then feeling good, happy with plants and was discussing by messaging with mam about redoing the bottom garden if I stay which had made into a parking area to help sell house I had layed heavy pavers some were already there as were the shed had been so I am now wanting a longer lawn and more planting area as of my obsession with plants and flowering trees or shrubs really for the border, my mam said all that work till be changing the loft window next which she paid for me 16 years ago it's like she moans about changes and as I was been positive it upset me a lot and with me fragile with dad dying and upset about possibly not getting the house I wanted I put kettle on for chamomile tea had that then I decided to open the weak wine I had got in and saved on Saturday I drank it and felt so guilty this morning and ashamed which is why I have been quiet I debated shall I just go to bed but I didn't feel tired at that point, i ended up having a nice last hour watched comedians and had the wine, well I have nothing in now no money in house so I am trying again is this normal while trying to stop x did you get chamomile

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Hello :-)

You certainly keep busy , I can't keep up with you :-D

I think I heard you say your Mum suffers with IBS ?

What are her symptoms ?

Mine are , bloating tummy , sometimes feels like it is burning , a little niggling pain about 2 inches on the sides of my belly button one side worse than the other , indigestion and a mixture of the runs and not been able to go !

I am guilty I forgot to put the tea on the list but I have been in a state and even though I forgot the tea unlike you Mrs I have not picked up a drink which is better , I think I would kill my stomach of to be honest if I did !

The best think to do is have no drink in the house , that way the temptation is out the way and even if you feel like fetching one talk to someone first by the time you have spoken to someone that craving has gone

It is not easy stopping I won't lie but if you want to keep your life and you have a problem it does get better and think all the money you would save you could buy loads more plants :-D x

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Lol I'd need a bigger garden, it's me has I b s bit not bad same as you really it's good related and stress I like my mam get bit a I'd indegestion she has gerd acid reflux burns stomach I get it sometimes but mam has a faulty valve it was ibruprofine caused it I can't take it it burns my stomach causes bad acid, I had ulcerative colitis 6 year ago my con was ulcerated left side lower that's were I still get pain sometimes from wind I can't eat orange juice or drink it should I say curry I do though I know I'll be loose next day beer in excess of I had too many laxitive foods together cabbage cauliflower, I havnt been constipated for a couple weeks I eat something to make me go if I do, there are a lot of things in the I b s family like cealic my cat has that he can't eat bread or cereal or milk my nephew's wife can hardly eat no meat now she had a pain in stomache like a lump diarhea they don't know what it is I've got bit indegestion now I'm nervous about tomorrow having tea party with family for sisters late birthday I'll be in corner with thick face cover with mam don't think will stay long I wish you lived near by and I could throw a box of tea down your path lol I'm having it now it will relax my stomach hope you sleep well x

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I mean same symptoms as You pretty much big yours is bad x

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O right :-)

Thank you for all that info :-)

The party may not be as bad as you think and even if you stay a little while you can say you went :-)

Had to smile the cat has IBS and laughed at the thoughts of you throwing a box of tea bags down my path :-D

You get a good nights rest and be good :-) x

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I'm tucked up safe in bed can I message you from the party if I get chance lol let you know how it is my stomaches calmed down had 2 mugs tea hence the saying tea total I am chamomile tea total lol there will be champagne there but to be honest I only like tea at food parties a nice cup Tetley real tea with me sarnies lol I've made tuna pasta to take night night, yeu my pixie Bob been half Bengal it's a genetic thing he's a right greedy thief too eats bread in park and comes home sick and goes in cat flap few doors down eating there cats night night x

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Of course message me when you want :-)

Night sleep well :-) x

P s I mean think will know by then if there will be another sorry I should check my typing before sent it not after lol x

I finally found someone who has stomach pains when anxious. I do. Its horrible, for me it goes on for about 20 minutes but I have to sit on the toilet as there's been times i've felt sick during it.

I have to also be careful what I eat, as I have found it to come on worse depending on the food I eat that day, sometimes it's a slow reaction to food the other day.

It's horrible when I have anxiety at college or in the middle of a park that's nowhere near a toilet since East Staffordshire and South Derbyshire have closed their toilets facilities to prevent the spread of COVID-19..

I hope you find a way to deal with this - everyone is different to how it's dealt with.

in reply tomunchkinoffice725

Hi chamomile tea is good for anxious stomach it soothes heels and relaxes the blue box with daisy on from Morrisons is best hope this helps aslo eat easy to digest foods when your anxious take care

munchkinoffice725 profile image
munchkinoffice725 in reply to

Oh, never heard of that. I will have to try that. Thank you for your recommendation.

Hello :-)

First grieving is like this

You stayed really strong which surprised me and I am not sure if I said to you or someone else once the funeral is done that is when it can hit you like a ton of bricks

You will have good and bad days , good and bad weeks till when you have grieved it will even out

However if you did not have a drink problem , people without would not hit the bottle and risk their health like you did :-)

I have always said , it is not me to tell you that you have a drink problem , I can think you have but only you can be in control of if you do know you have and I think deep down you do then I would and the offer is still there try and support you :-)

No I have not got the tea yet , shopping is not till Tuesday or Wednesday , what I have got though is dreadful IBS :-o not the same but I just thought I would mention it :-)

You talk to me when ever you want , take care of yourself though and remember if you have a drink problem and it is affecting your health you can do something about it to stop killing yourself slowly , there are people out there with health problems that if they were told all you have to do to live a long life is not to drink a day at a time , they would snap their hand of and be over the moon that is all they had to do :-) x

Get a good nights sleep and see tomorrow as the start of a new you and the rest of your life :-) x

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Good morning how is your I b s I had diarrhea this morning think my nervous upset stomach I not much appetite the main upset is not getting the house I wanted next door to mam it would have been so nice for us both and easier to help her I hardly in my garden I'm at mam's a lot she ends up over doing things and can cause accidents and sets her back off but she won't stop I told her wait for me. Sorry for moaning I have got black flying Beatles still in loft one in bath again Sunday I rescued it early hours it was struggling on his back I had them breeding couple years ago one flew in and there were few tiny babies flew to window in bedroom half dead I'm going up to open window I have a real phobia of black Beatles it would help if I could go in my garden to like my house again but the weather is stuck when do you move x

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Hello :-)

Wondered where you had got to :-)

IBS not doing well and these meds I don't like them but I have a med fear

so that does not help

I know the weather is shocking , not much of a Summer at the moment but I am sure they have said it is going to get better over the next few days :-)

You sound like you have a few things going of , hopefully you will get out in the garden as it seems to be a good distraction for you :-)

We should have been moving this September , it is a new build but of course the Covid stopped the build , they have started again but I think we will be looking at next year now which is disappointing but I suppose at least I know they have started building again , just hope we do not get another peak and everything stops or who knows when it could be

Hope today is a good one for you :-) x

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Hi sorry your I b s still bad I also have a fear of medication as I read the side effects and then it doesn't help my fear maby if I had gone on antidepressants last year I wouldn't have drank so much I have no desire to drink as my anxiety over my heart and liver and immune system has stopped my wanting it but I've been here before after a few nights I'll get the urge well maby not now what you say rings true it is slowly killing onesself I know I have knocked years off my poor heart I was doing well in stopping before dad died then it was a excuse I thought I'd get some incase I remember didn't even want it it was there so I had it. Then I thought I had controlled drinking until 2 binges consisting of me going back out to get more I am leaving my bank card at mam's now, I had 2 mugs chamomile and one with a double bag at 4 this morning were glad masks are compulsive shops now and we're getting visas more comfortable I am venturing in my loft soon the lovely view of park will hopefully enspire me to stay but I will need it changed into a room with staircase and secure floor I must focus on my budhist philosophy been at one with nature loving all creatures as I do but it's my fear of the black Beatle even though I'm a million times bigger and to not be materialistic the house I wanted was bigger with a hallway too big for me really but lovely views loft already done too my house needs so much alterations I can't face it at the moment I need to be grateful for what I have I did try that this morning when my cat was stretched out next to me and I am determined not to moan anymore to my mam she may be dead next couple years and I want us to have a good few years it's been a arful few with our health rats dad now loosing her nebours house I realise I don't feel as bad when I havnt drank night before I'm trying for 8 weeks detox ready for my blood test I be working September so be bed early so maby I'll do as my friend does drink like a few on a weekend I need to break the habit and with help of AA and you. My heart feels aot better now it was pounding yesterday and I'm not even upset about dad today, yes forcast better weekend I love October it's always many nice days I hope you feel better soon x

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So much going on with your house that should keep you busy :-)

Work men outside here driving me mad !

I think drinking contributed to a lot of my stomach issues I have now as well as my anxiety and I would say stop before the damage is done , some can be repaired but some sticks with you

Only you and you alone can want to stop and from my experience it was only when I hit rock bottom and knew if I carried on I would be a goner that with help I did but you really have to want it and I hope you will so you can save that body of yours :-) x

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Hi yes I feel at our age we need to look after our bodies more the cells die and organs wear out my step dad had a enlarged heart my aunty lived to be 8o but had heart problems she drank a bottle brandy a week and 3 bottles wine I know binge is life threatening I've been busy all day moving soil for mam's new chippings area and cutting my for tree and budhlias back and ivy I'm tired out but exhilarated I'll be bed early I've had cabbage water grapefruit juice chamomile tea green tea today the last thing I want is alcohol im discussed with my past binging my step dad died at age 67 my friend 69 both previously had big drink problems I need to keep healthy for my pets I hope to have a dog one day so need to reach 75 few years hoping for the spaniel my sister came to mam's she's ordered visas for us and more masks not the thin ones some are useless the energy efficiency man assessed my dad's house ready for selling his mam died of the virus he lives local and knows a few have it we're sticking to farmfoods for shopping but I need some plants from Morrisons I'm feeling a lot better it cheered me up in my loft so nice at top of house lovely view of park just a few tiny weenie babie dead Beatles and a spider up there cleaning up bless it I like spiders think opening window will release any more Beatles enjoy your evening I'm bed early may have cocoa and maltesers lol x

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Hello :-)

Seems like a history of drink problems then but you can break that cycle :-)

You have been very busy by the sounds of it :-)

I am struggling with this mask thing I have several ( even though I don't go out lol ) but I find they panic me and make me feel I can't breath with one on , so goodness knows what I will do if I ever have to leave the house !

You enjoy those Maltesers , I am still suffering with my stomach which is now causing full blown panic so doubt I will be having much :-) x

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Good morning hope you slept well I did until 4 cat awake again then 7 I just got up properly so tired its lack of sun, my health feels good now thank god I'm hoping I havnt done too much damage and feel optimistic determined to be healthy even if I get upset I'm not going to drink I had half box maltesers and some crisps for supper and cocoa and chamomile tea before bed, what are your I b s symptoms is it intestine pain I know there are a few symptoms your anxiety isn't helping let's hope you can get in garden and relax your mind in garden it's shame you can't get out in nature for a walk I'll be working on mam's tree in her front today as there's a builder round back with tar melting fumes doing roof, it effected my chest a bit yesterday but ok now, so it's night 3 tonight no alcohol my health is my priority now, I am hoping to get out for plants got one planter to fill and after tomorror I will know for deffinate that the house I wanted has sold as mortgage lenders want a full in-depth survey to the couple buying it, I'm sure there need for that house is greater than mine so I am trusting in fate for it to go to the person who needs it more, a lot of people I know think it's fate buying houses how about you and are you moving where there is greenery like a field or park or is it a new housing estate I always wanted to live by the sea but near countryside I hate busy towns, that made me smile when you said you have masks but don't go out, them face covers are breathable and with a visa be ok if you need to with social distance too, can get masks with breathable thing on we have chemical masks my step dad got from work years ago mam's has a breathable plastic thing on and filter but I don't trust them I wear a face cover too sometimes, I still can't breath for long as I have a slight asthma mainly due to my allergy hey fever and sinus drip causing airways to block a bit I end up pulling mask off if out too long we won't be going out much now anyway I just hope the masks I have at work are safe and can breath my friend said she gets hot, what do you do to pass the day staying in have you tried hypnotherapy to help you get out a bit a car ride to seaside maby x

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Hello :-)

I live in a small town thank goodness and the new house will have nice walks ( if I could go ) tree's etc it is a nice place to live in fact one of the sought after areas where I am from I shall be posh :-D

But yes when it comes to where you live when you move and so on I believe what is meant to be will be

We should have been moving September but as I have said the Covid has but building behind and even though disappointing I just think well for some reason I don't know it maybe better to move next year , I would be very anxious for a start if it was this September the way things are at the moment

I hope you get your plants , I am waiting for a lovely planter to come and getting a little annoyed as it should have been here by now , I have the plant to go in it as well !!!

I get stomach ache with my IBS , bloating , swollen stomach and like a feeling that I have a heavy sack of gas maybe in my left lower side , I go from constipation to the runs , it worries me :-(

But Doctor seems fine with it so I have to try and trust , I am suffering with migraines a lot to , I did before but they are even more now , I think it could be stressed related

Yes a house full of masks I don't like and I don't go out , and I think I am normal :-D

Well done on the 3 days sober , don't want to put a downer on it but you will or could have times when you will feel you could kill for a drink that is normal but talk to someone and it does pass

What do I do all day

Well I would be in the garden , cleaning I could always stay occupied , lonely life but still could keep busy now I just seem to sit and worry all day !!!

Good luck with the tree , I hope you get it all sorted , I am sure you will :-) x

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Hi yes too much time alone causes us to over think and my mam always says if I had a job and running about after grand children I wouldn't worry so much about the things I worry about it like when one worry goes I find another thing to worry about I wish could go swimming it seemed to solve a lot I became ultra health foccused had set a goal to do more lengths each time and I became in health mode was relaxed and released seretonin so didn't feel need for drink and slept so well I'm glad you got nice posh place to live should be nice and safe nebours, I would have been moving up the road to posh end next door to mam too big really for me, I have a nice house just bit smaller rooms no hallway I'm looking to make kitchen into a summer room it's south facing and move kitchen into room behind knock wall out open plan leading off and loft into a proper room with staircase and a lower window to view the park there's a lake and swans nest up here, I look out and it's just so soothing to my mind really a cottage or bungalow do me as of my knee arthritis it's nice to look out what with not going out hardly, I'm bit upset cut tree now liked it better before I need to change shale a bit lol well at least that's my only worry today lol I'm still in dressing gown didn't reuse time at least my hairs washed im looking to get walk in shower if stay here no bath I liked the power showers at swimming baths hope you feel better soon and I know what you mean that left side pain try and cut out onion s and wind forming foods the healthy stuff cabbage orange juice is bad with my I been ok with yesterday's cabbage so far fish chicken agrees with me and potatoes x

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Well when it comes to your house you seem to have it all planed and I am sure the satisfaction of making it into the home you would like will really make you feel good :-)

Just having a bad morning , went to toilet normal now have the runs , I also have really bad indigestion , this just does not seem to want to calm down and that is worrying me and making me really down :-( x

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We're going to farmfoods soon in the rain hoping to do garden later have you tried lanzaprozil even if I have trapped wind it helps its usually for gerd acid reflux I just take it when indegestion the chamamile tea may help it's a heeler as well as relaxant incase you got any inflammation I know my con was diagnosed thin just after my ulcerative colitis 6 years ago and one of reasons I like h r t it boosts collogen I don't know if it's fully heeled i also and think may have mentioned rest to digest foods put actimol on your list keeps bacteria in good balanced I need some today I'm sure it helped cure my colitis j was badly inflammed I stopped drinking for about 6 weeks then gradully introduced more food and the odd drink you see I can stop if I think my healths in jeapardy I feel I need to now and want to I'm too old to take chances I had the set back when dad died but now I'm confident I'm back on track x

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I was taking that but she has changed be on to Buscopan ( not sure how you spell it )

I just hope it calms down before I loose the plot !

Hope you enjoy the rest of your day :-) x

O they look lovely plants you did well they will look beautiful :-)

Sounds like you have had a good day :-)

Mine has not been great and my stomach well it is in turmoil

MH nurse was suppose to be phoning at 5 and still not phoned , I hate that , it winds me up lol x

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Oh dear I hate it too I waited in all day for a doctor's call I had to chase it up next day did you get the tea I am just having a mug I had on off day was so good buying plants did bit of cutting bag too ivy behind shed in the rain lol I had a thought though when throwing a old leibframilvh empty bottle out wouldn't mind a drink but remembered how guilty I would feel and it's night 3 looking forward to night 4 5 6 7 and the next 7 weeks drink free and my fabulous test test results just watching Emmerdale hope your nurse got there if not ring her in morning x

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A day at a time :-)

Yes she has phoned now :-) x

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