Anyone else forgot that other illnesse... - Living with Anxiety

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Anyone else forgot that other illnesses exist

dizzychar profile image
27 Replies

So woke up this morning and first thing on my mind is corona, full on anxiety cant concentrate or anything, I feel like my life’s been taken over by this, like if someone coughs omg they’ve got it, I’ve got it, I can’t think oh it’s a chest infection or anything like that, I’m driving myself mad, scared, nearly in tears really worrying ☹️

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dizzychar profile image
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27 Replies

Hello :-)

I know what you are saying , I think of nothing else , I dread the Winter as I fear this will get worse as well as when we are just catching normal viruses how we will react and it has made my HA in general so much worse

You are not alone feeling this way

Take Care x

dizzychar profile image
dizzychar in reply to

It’s driving me mad, yes my health anxiety is through the roof, I feel sick with worry, I’m dreading going to bed because I no I won’t be able to settle 😭 I feel so miserable

Hope your ok x

in reply to dizzychar

I know it is awful , I have had migraine 3 weeks , upset stomach you name it

I live in fear and feel I am loosing the plot some days

I just hope live will go back to normal even though that was not great it was better than this !

I don't go to bed till I am that tired I cannot stay awake but as soon as I wake up everything is on my mind

There are quite a few of us feeling the same so know you are not the only one and come on and talk when you need to :-) x

dizzychar profile image
dizzychar in reply to

I feel exactly the same, just want this all to be gone, no doubt il be finding other things wrong then like I used to before.i hope your feeling better, i thought I was bad when swine flu was going round!

Can’t sleep again tonight 😕 x x

in reply to dizzychar

Hello :)

Well I sleep alright but as soon as I get up the worry is there straight away and stays all day right till going to bed

Sometimes I wonder how long I can keep this up , I am now so miserable :-(

Hope you managed to drop of and get some sleep :) x

dizzychar profile image
dizzychar in reply to

That’s good, I sometimes wake up in the night panicking and then I’m scared to go back to sleep! I did drop off at about 5 this morning lol then Up a few hours later with the kids

It’s awful isn’t it ☹️ hope your ok x

in reply to dizzychar

O bless you and yes it is awful , I hope you get a better nights sleep tonight :-)

To be honest I have not had a great day and I have had a very bad evening , you get so fed up with it ! x

dizzychar profile image
dizzychar in reply to

Thank you, I’ve not succeeded yet lol, sorry to hear you’ve had a bad evening ☹️ hope your ok? You really do it’s so draining x

in reply to dizzychar

Im really struggling at the moment , worse I have ever been but I am waiting and hoping it will pass even though it feels frightening while you are x

dizzychar profile image
dizzychar in reply to

It really does, I freak out and everything, can’t settle pace about, when it does pass I almost feel silly like why go off like you did, but I do it again, over and over 🙄 hope you are feeling better, I’m waiting for telephone therapy at the moment; I’ve had cbt and Counselling many times before though, try and do sometime nice for yourself? Bath nails etc cheer yourself up maybe x

in reply to dizzychar

I know what you are saying :-)

I have been lucky well in a way and MH have got me funding to have 3 hours a week for a whole year of support of my choice , I can even choose the person as well , but like everything they have the funding now we are just waiting , it is the waiting bit that gets to me to be honest

I have never had any help though and suffered more years than I can remember from been a child so this help when it comes has been a long time coming , just hope it works they keep telling me it will so fingers crossed :-)

Hope yours works and helps you to and happens soon :-) x

dizzychar profile image
dizzychar in reply to

Thank you, I feel it helps a little but I still end up kind of back to square one in the end, I’m no where near as bad as I used to be but still bad with it if that makes sense

Hope it helps you x

in reply to dizzychar

Any little improvement is a bonus :-)

You know where we are if you need to talk :-) x

Cwoods profile image

I know exactly how you feel.

in reply to Cwoods

Hello :-)

You struggling to ?

How are things and how are you managing or are these silly questions :-) x

Cwoods profile image
Cwoods in reply to

Beyyyyy Lulu girl its been rough I'm trying my best to stay calm with everything that's going on. How are u?

in reply to Cwoods

Falling to bits I am not coping one bit !

Lovely to see you though on here :-) x

Cwoods profile image
Cwoods in reply to

Just take it one day at a time that's all that we can do. Great to see u too have u thought about starting up weekly check ins again?

in reply to Cwoods

I know I keep trying but every day is the same a struggle :-(

This Community is so quite now hardly anyone comes on it , not sure anyone would check in :-) x

Cwoods profile image
Cwoods in reply to

I know its changed alot on here not like how it use to be😔

in reply to Cwoods

Yes , it is sad but I tried :-) x

The media is trying to scare everyone. I don’t even watch the news anymore. Sometimes I keep up with what is going on on the news channels on my phone. I had to stop because it was terrifying me also. It’s def a very real thing, but the fear of it is being blown up a lot. If you are cautious and wear your mask, distance yourself , wash your hands and keep hand sanitizer with you in case you touch public things, you should be safe.

This is such a crazy world we live in. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone or something.

dizzychar profile image
dizzychar in reply to

I try not to listen to it If I’m honest, but I can’t help reading if I’m on social media ☹️ I’ve been doing the whole hand washing and carrying sanitizer, I’m struggling with the mask, I have asthma along with panic and anxiety so I can’t really wear it I feel like I can’t breathe x

in reply to dizzychar

Yeah, same here... Social media. I hate the masks too. It's so hard for me to work with them. I'm on my feet moving all day and I'm sweating and on the verge of passing out and feeling sick to my stomach..!

dizzychar profile image
dizzychar in reply to

They are awful, I’m dreading it tbh, I can imagine ☹️ I couldn’t wear it all day x

spiral25 profile image

Seems there are a lot of us feeling this way. I started taking 3mg of melatonin to help me get to sleep. That will work for a few hours & then my eyes pop back open and before I even know I'm awake, the worry about this virus and everything else is already going full steam. It's exhausting. I haven't been on social media in over a week. I miss my friends but I can't handle the constant bad news. Take care.

dizzychar profile image
dizzychar in reply to spiral25

☹️ hope you manage to get a better night soon. It’s all the conflicting things too that annoy me, maybe meet up with a friend or something instead? I’m quite luck my best friend is on the same road so I can go to her if I need to whenever I want

Take care ☺️

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