I'm 18 and for the past few weeks Ive been getting a weird ache just under my right breast before my rib cage starts, it's kind of in the place where if you'd breath in you'd feel the top of ur rib, just there, and I've also be getting the pain worse when I breath in and tightness in my chest, also get weird pains going down my right arm, the same arm as the chest/rib pain, it can also feel like I have to breath in for ages until I catch my full breath, could this be a heart attack coming on? Worried
Heart attack symptoms at 18? - Living with Anxiety
Heart attack symptoms at 18?

Hello Extremeanxiety & Welcome
I would doubt very much at such a young age and the symptoms you describe as been a heart attack there most likely is some simple explanation for it , could be a trapped nerve , indigestion , you may have picked something up or done something without even realizing it and pulled a little muscle , all can give these symptoms but when we have anxiety especially when it focuses on our health we always think the worse scenario and because we are not Doctors on here or eve if we were we cannot diagnose you and to give you peace of mind , I would see your Doctor let them check you over and I am sure that will help to ease your fear and maybe while you are there you could tell them how your anxiety is affecting you to
Let us know how you get on

Thanks so much for your advice it was honestly so helpful, helps me to realise I'm not the only one who jumps to the worst case senario, I've had a doctors appointment on the 6th but I didn't have my symptoms then, I was going for something else, and I've also had a full blood count check because I was worried and this way my mind can be put at ease, and I'll have my appointment on the 28th to see my results, but I'm going to mention these new symptoms, and see if there's any other medication I can go on for my anxiety and depression because my current Ones aren't helping, but thanks so much for your advise xx
I had a quick look at some of your previous posts and really looks like you are suffering with Health Anxiety which I do feel for you as when I was as young as you ( many years ago ) my health anxiety started and I spent so many wasted years focusing on every pain , moving from thinking I was having a heart attack , then a brain tumor then cancer well the list goes on , I think at times I even came up with things I thought were wrong that were medically impossible ! but that is how anxiety gets you but you can learn how to reverse these negative thoughts , get to the root of what is triggering them and some Counselling can really help even if you have had some before to go again and give it another go can be a benefit so when you see your Doctor and good idea asking about the meds but also mention what kind of therapy they can maybe refer you for
Come back and let us know how you get on x

Yes been really struggling with it over the years and Okay will do! Thanks so much for all your advice, its really appreciated x
Do get it checked for reassurance. Maybe costochondritis - doesn't last forever! and it's not a heart thing.