For the past 6 weeks I wake up with the sensation of shaking or pulsating. It last for about 20 seconds. But I look at my hand and I am not shaking. I only get this when I wake up on my own. If the alarm wakes me up in a jolt, I have no issues. This started when I had high anxiety, but I feel my anxiety is under control again. Thanks for your help.
internal shaking sensation waking up,... - Living with Anxiety
internal shaking sensation waking up, but not shaking

This has been happening to me for the past couple weeks as well. I notice it when I first wake up but as soon as I get out of bed it goes away. However, last night it kept waking me up and I barely slept at all. Gave me some anxiety as well
Have you been dealing with anxiety also ? I am trying to discover just what this is ?
Definitely. Three trips to the hospital with panic attacks before I realized I was not going to die. I take meds for depression and Valium for anxiety and even though I don’t feel anxious I still have the internal tremors every morning upon waking ...
I’ve read it could possibly be adrenaline 🤔
Sorry to hear. I will say that this morning it did not happen. When it started, I had just ended a relationship. And twice I woke up in a panic attack. That was when it was at it's worse. I have had several therapy sessions. I work out vigorously and take magnesium before I goto bed. My sadness is slowly leaving. Try to work with the root of the issue. Even though its painful.
hi, i often feel things similar to this too. it doesnt happen everynight but i feel as though i am rocking side to side internally. if that makes sense?? i find myself rubbing my eyes and trying to focus on a specific part of the room to make that sort of dizzy feeling go away.
Same situation here happens to to four times per night only when I am horizontal , trembling and tingling internally with horrible mental thought, cannot sleep get up and walk around I’m OK for about an hour ,they tried me on gabapentin 600 mg at night doesn’t seem to help much , have been taking 10 mg of Ambien nightly for 15 years has always work
,but with this it doesn’t help much , I was thinking maybe a circulation problem because you can get up and move around and it seems to be OK for about an hour or better ,Any info would be appreciated.