I can't get a TP because I'm a MRSA and C-DIFF carrier. But I KNOW GOD and I KNOW HE has a plan for my life and I won't be going anywhere until HE sais it's time. I'm ready at any time but in no hurry. I do the best I can with what I have and life couldn't be better! I feel like I was found "worthy to suffer" for HIS glory. I'm already a walking miracle because I had HEP-C type 3A for 30 years and nobody I've found has lived past 20 years with this form of HEP-C! Not only that I drank heavily for over 10 years of that time! I had fallen away from GOD and even after I found out I had the HEP-C I kept right on drinking daily a lot. GOD finally got through to me and took my addiction away from me. A doctor prescribed Sovaldi and Ribavirin and it cured my HEP-C but during the course I discovered Ribavirin is not to be given to late stage liver disease patients because it destroys the healthy liver tissue also and when I began the course of drugs the doctor lied and said I was stage 3&1/2-4 in Cirrhosis and stage 3.7 in Fibrosis, when in fact I was stage 4 in both. When I found out there was an alternative drug that was supposed to be given I called the doctor and got his PA. She lied to me and said the drug had only been on the market for 2 weeks but it had been out over 2 months! She even REFUSED to allow me to make an appointment to discuss it with the doctor! I took the 3 month course of the 2 drugs and stopped. When I went back and saw her I took my husband and oldest daughter as witnesses and after I explained that the first warning on the Ribavirin label was never to prescribe it to late stage liver disease patients to which she replied "well that's not for our hepatitis patients", even though those are the only ones it's prescribed for! After that I never went back. The doctor wanted me to take them for 6 months even though the HEP-C was out of my blood within 3 weeks of starting them. If I had taken the 6 months of meds I would have died. I spoke to my other doc about it and he advised me to write the doctor a letter and tell him what his PA did. I haven't done it yet but I am going to today. It's been over a year but it's never too late to do the right thing. I know how much healthy liver tissue I have left and would kind of like to know even though there's nothing that anyone can do about it. That doctor told me that I only had 1-3 years to live if I didn't take the drugs and maybe 10 if I did. I knew he was lying when he said it. I can usually tell when a doctor is lying to me now. I don't know if I can sue them or not but I think I'm going to look into it. At least then I will have something to leave my children and grandchildren and maybe just maybe stop these people from killing anyone else. Any of you who are Christians please pray for me and pray I do the right thing. I've never believed in suing anyone. But I found out where the Bible sais not to it's talking about not suing a brother or sister in Christ. I truly believe these people aren't my brother and sister because my brothers and sisters in Christ don't lie to me. All said, GODs will be done in this and everything else in my life. HE has kept me alive so many times when doctors said I was going to die. HE is THE ONLY ONE I believe. I hope I can sue them and win, maybe it will stop them from hurting anyone else and maybe I can use some of the money to pay for someone with HEP-C, that can't afford the medication they need, to get cured. Maybe even start a charity fund for people who need the Harvoni cure for type 1 HEP-C. I know a few people who are in this position and my heart breaks that the simple cure that will save a life is about $100,000.00. I pray the big pharmaceutical companies will find a heart and begin giving this to people that can't afford it for free. I think after all they charge for their drugs it's the very least they can do.
HEP-C, DOCTORS, LIES, AND GOD!: I can't get a TP... - Liver4Life

Hi donnaejm
Thank you for the follow. I am so glad you are still being strong. Being positive is absolutely imperative for people who have Hep C. I see you are also a carrier for MRSA and C-Diff. So sorry you have all this to cope with.
I have Hep C geno type 1a and was infected in 1974. 43 years and still here.......so pleased to have survived for so long even though my life has been full of pain and so many other terrible things. I was infected during a blood transfusion and I developed the symptoms of Hepatitis C within just a few weeks. I had already studied all things medical so I recognised what it was straight away. I never expected to be stuck with the symptoms every day for the rest of my life. I was born with a genetic condition which causes me to be very fragile so this was why the Hep C affected me so badly so soon. I was told survival would be 20 years from diagnosis and said to the Doctor....Don't you mean 20 years from infection. He looked a bit confused and said, Well yes. I said well then look at my notes and you will see that I have been going back and forth since 1974 demanding to be diagnosed with Non A, Non B Hepatitis (which is what it was called before). I said so I should be dead by now then. The Doctor went as white as a sheet and I ended up having to counsel him!
I also cannot have a transplant. However, I am not sure that I would make that choice even if I could. It would be such an extremely stressful time - I think the stress would kill me. Anyway, the Cirrhosis of the liver has affected my lungs. The double lung transplant would be the more urgent if I could have transplants.
Just make sure you lead a really healthy lifestyle and pray and hope.
Keep Smiling and I will Keep Twinkling
Love from
Twinkling Star