My baby suffer from ITP from last three months.
My Baby born on 1st February 2018 with cesarean delivery. Birth time baby active no other side effects. After one and half months small red pumples came take treatment with skin doctor. They give lotion and cream. We applied and red pumples all are comes white patches over all body. After one day fever came we take hospital and they given medicines. After two or three fever came. We went to hospital they do blood test and find low Platelets. Doctor suggest better treatment/analysis go Bangalore hospital. We came May 27th 2018 to Hospital and start treatment for dengue fever after results came dengue negative, after malaria tested that one also negative. They done bone marrow that one also normal. And given ivig 5 mg two times. Steriods also given. Platelets and blood transfusion done six or seven times. Finally one CMV come positive with high. Present they given tab. Valganciclovir 450 mg for 21 days, almost 17 days over. Till now no improvement. Every week we went hospital for Platelets (SDP) transfusion.
This week again came to hospital with fever and done blood test,urine and motion test those are comes normal. CBC also platelets 12000 and Hemoglobin 5.5. again done bone marrow test again comes normal and CT scan also normal. Please suggest how time will take recovery. Give suggestions..Now baby boy age 6months 6days