Hello, I'm wondering who here has had the side effect of blurred vision while on prednisone. I weigh 117lbs so they dropped my dosage from 50mg to 40mg but my vision is still getting worse day by day. Is this normal or should I talk to my doctor again?
Blurred vision with Prednisone? - ITP Support Assoc...
Blurred vision with Prednisone?

Hi Nessa _marie. I have been on prednisone for 13 years and have experienced different side effects or maybe it could be just illness symptoms. All this time I had no big problems with my eyes but lately I started to feel something like you I mean blurred vision. My dosage now is 20mg. But when I was on higher dosage I coudn't stand being in bright sun especially in winter when is also snow.
I’ve been dealing with vision issues and other symptoms also since I’ve been on prednisone. My hematologist has been tapering me off and I’ll be seeing an eye doctor next week. Hope to get some answers and a solution. Best of luck to you!
I have had issues with my eyes since being on Prednisone. I see light sparkly areas of vision. This was never explained.
I too have experienced this sparkly areas of vision from my younger days. And still I get this once in a way. A mild headache follows this symptom. I am 72 now. The Doctors attributed this to my Sinus problem. They also said that it may be due to Bile as well, but as stated by you no proper diagnosis.
This is very interesting. I have never before found someone with this phenomena. For me it only started when I had taken prednisone. At the same time, the prednisone also caused a hypersensitivity to second hand cigarette smoke. This would give me a headache and the sparkly area. Eventually I got off prednisone. Now I only take it short term in conjunction with IG treatment. The times when the sparkly areas appear are very rare now. They seem to be a companied by a little dizziness. Does any of this sound familiar?
Yes!!! I had blurred vision when I was on 80mg, 60mg, 40mg and 20mg. Once down to about 10mg, it improved dramatically.
Have your eyes checked for bleeding behind the eyes. The capillaries are the smallest in our bodies. If your platelets were very low you could have blood behind your eyes
im in prednisone fo 4months , my vision got blurry also,, i still have it now coz im still on pred.