Has anyone experienced heavy palpitations due to taking prednisone?
ITP & Prednisone: Has anyone... - ITP Support Assoc...
ITP & Prednisone

I can't say that I had any palpitations however my pulse rate increased substantially when I was on my highest dose (100mg)
Yes, I have. I have used prednisone for 13 years in different doses. In Latvia doctors don't offer alternative medicine. Though thanks GOD I can live and work.
I have been on Prednisone for nearly 10 years. What is your average dosage? My average has been 15mg I am also on Warfarin.
Prednisone worked some for me, but had side effects. I was more talkative and more aggressive when I was talking. I was saying things that were much better off not being said. I did not like prednisone so I had my spleen removed. Spleen removal is a big deal. You lose some infection protection for your entire life.
Hope all has been well since your spleen removal. Thanks for the response.
Yes, but, on the spleen removal. It is a big major deal having your spleen removed. The doc accidentally cut my intestine while doing it. I was in the hospital a few days longer. I got partial help from my spleen removal. My platelets now stay at 35K with an occasional dive lower. My life is normal. I am always looking for bruises on my body. I get a blood test if I see a big bruise. I am trying treatments in a hyperbaric chamber to fix my problem. It is an off label medical procedure. Insurance does not pay. I am the first person I know that has tried this approach to fixing ITP. If it works I will tell those on this site.
Prednisolone made me aggressive, moody and unpleasant to be with. I learnt how to apologise quickly and sincerely. I put on over 5 stone in under 6 months and suffered sleep deprivation from only having 2 hours sleep a night. Had spleen out and it made no difference so now open to getting more infections that last longer, not helped by the immunosuppressant drug i take twice daily to level out my platelet count. However, i am very grateful that my platelet count is now stable and i can get on with my life. Always look for the silver lining