My father had a triple heart bypass surgery. Following the operation, he came into the CCU and was woken up the next day. He was fine for 2 and half days, talking, being aware and was even getting to the point of drinking and eating.
However on the 3rd day following the operation, he started to struggle with his breathing. He had a oxygen mask put on, and then some hours later, a tube put inside his mouth him and this meant he had to be sedated.
He remained this way (sedated) for around 13 days, before the medical team did a tracheostomy. My fathers right lung is the problem. The doctors say its an infection, however till today (week 4 after op) they have taken blood cultures, done a broncoscopy and found nothing, but the xrays and ct scans shows the lung as fully white (meaning there is infection or inflammation). So they are supporting his breathing, giving him generic antibiotics (also keeping in mind that he has kidney issue, so they cant give certain types), but none of it seems to work.
At this stage the doctors are quite unsure as to what is happening. They have given him antibiotics, but they havent worked as of yet.
He has definitely picked up this issue in the hospital following his heart operation.
My father is on ventilator support of around 60% oxygen. He is no longer sedated, but is not the same. He is able to respond via nodding but the struggle is there on most days, where he just seems lost, in pain, uncomfortable. Somedays he seems that he is ok and other days he looks terrible.
Has anyone gone through a similar situation and is there anything you can advise or suggest or maybe share what happened woth your friends/family?
Anything would be appreciated.