with.. burning feet most nights.. use to be occasional ..now most nights very tired and feed up.. any one else with APS suffering..?? have searched web..not interested in taking any of the drugs suggested as they have terrible side effects. Ideas Iam averaging 3-4 hours sleep at best
I am awake again..: with.. burning feet... - Hughes Syndrome A...
I am awake again..

Hi -I sympathise with you because I've had nerve pain at night that keeps me awake but mine is usually a stabbing burning pain that is intermittent but I've also had the burning feet.
My nerve pain is often brought on by artificial additives in food - and if I'm careful about what I eat and avoid additives and preservatives - I dont get the burning nerve pain.
I had had burning feet before, I sympathise with you. The burning came and went. I went to my haematologist I they discovered I had some sort of Lupus. Also the pains change within my body. one day is burning feet, another day pains in my joints. They prescribed me with Hydroxychloroquine, and it works.
Thanks folks... Thyroid and B12 levels have been up and down for years. I do have moderately high iron levels all the time though. My old GP let me have B12 injections the new one always tell me clinical normal so no need... will keep trying..will try a food diary too.. but am a very healthy eater already..the hydrochloroquine is still on my to do list but am awaiting some other physical tests and consultant on those wants me to wait abit longer so not to confuse these investigations.. struggle on...but many thanks for your helpful suggestions.
My feet burn most nights and wake me up my husband bought these ice packs that get rigid and cold when you put them on the floor. I put it under my feet at night and it keeps them cool. The cold last all night and they don't make us a mess at all. When the pads warm up they get soft, then throw it on a hard surface and they get cool and hard. He bought them on line.designer16
Hi I have not experienced the burning feet, but I find that I am VERY sensitive to having any part of my body overheated...I live in New York State and have the AC on most of the summer....I believe APS can cause "disregulation"(don't know if this is a word but it is descriptive) of my heating and especially cooling body thermostat
Hi I suffered with this for years, long before I had a DVT.
Gp's were no help at. Went to a homeopathic practitioner
& found it was all to do with my 'sticky blood' & my liver &
not drinking enough water. Must drink at least a litre of water
a day, but preferably 2. Had homeopathic drugs to sort out
my liver, it's the chicken pox virus in us that causes the problems!
If for any reason I don't manage to drink a litre of water I am
again kept awake with burning feet! Hope this is helpful to any
of you.
thanks for this thought...still awake most nights..drives me potty..