Hya was just wondering if any one has problems with there periods i have problems im wearing 3 pads a time im very heavy and in a lot of pain and when im on i become anemic and even tho im on anticoagulants i still pass very large clots dorry for graphic details xx
This is for the ladies periods - Hughes Syndrome A...
This is for the ladies periods

I was undiagnosed and had pretty much an identicle cycle to yours. They never could regulate it. Finally I was put on "the very controversial pill (1970 or so)" to regulate my menses at approximately age 18/19. I was 13/14 before menses commenced. I would pass terrible clots and I would bleed for six weeks and then not bleed for months and then bleed constantly - almost hemhorraging- cramping to accompany it. Menopause was not any better. As a matter of fact, it was rather brutal, but I lived to talk about it.
Well it's like reading about my own monthlies!!! I have had the EXACT same problems since I started my periods aged 11......horrendous having to go through that so young & have no idea why it was happening over the last 20+ yrs I have been put on various different forms of contraception to try & gain control over it some with better success than others but still have issues if I'm not on anything
I am on Norethisterone 8wkly inj. which *touch wood* are working & have eased the cramping to more bearable & bleeding of a normal flow for 3-4days halleluia!!!! it's like a walk in the park after years of never buying light coloured trousers etc as I never knew when I'd come on & with what force.....took them ages to find something that worked for me with no oestrogen in but like I say fingers crossed this one seems to work for the last year anyway
I've always had periods all over the place. Was regular on the pill, but since being diagnosed and the pill being one of the major reasons I nearly lost my life, I'm back to having irregular periods again. Although I have polycystic ovary syndrome I am more regular with an INR of 3. When my INR is bellow 2.5, they are pretty much non existent. I also have the marina coil fitted, so think this could be part of the problem also!!
I had the same problems and did not want to use any sort of birth control or hormone due to increased risk of developing clots. I don't plan to have more children so I opted for an endometrial ablation. I highly suggest it but only if you're done having children.
Ask to have the hormone coil to be put in it slows your period right down, your meds wont be helping as its thinning your blood, hence heavier period. I am having the hotmone coil placed back in because of the pain in the head when im on. And the meds dont take the pain away
Omg will they give me the thngy where u cant have kids ive had five kids n definatly dnt want more lol but sooo wish this pain and water fall pmt would stop thnk u everyone xx