I have just been told I also have Lupus as well as APLS. I just wondered if anyone else has both and if so any advise would be welcome but mainly I wanted to know if there was a good community like this one for Lupus Thanks
Lupus: I have just been told I also... - Hughes Syndrome A...

Hi Margaret
Yes there are a few of us with overlapping conditions, there is a lupus forum on health unlocked. Have a look under the my communities heading across top of this page hon! I hope you can find some help on there too. We are here and will help if we can.
It's a nightmare at times with the overlapping conditions cos is hard to know what's doing what in our weird bodies.
I hope you feeling ok today.
Take care gentle hugs love Sheena xxxxx

Hi there, yes I have both, amongst other things, and yes there is a good community on here, let me know if you can't find it.. but is as said above in other communities, and easy to join, and with same profile and password! Mary F x
Thanks for your relies . I have found the community so thankyou. I am slightly still in a state of shock as i was told in no uncertain terms years ago that it as all in my head and i def didnt have Lupus shortly after i was diagnosed with APLS. I am certain i will have many questions to ask on both communities. Thankyou for your support you guys do a brilliant job on this forum Thanks
Ah, thanks... and you will see on the HSF website that there is a venn diagramme of lupus and hughes.. a little overlap in the middle, my daughter also has this...I have only just passed a test for SLE Lupus, yet clearly had it since teenage years. I am also on that site, I don't say much just read really... and make the odd noise about Hughes Syndrome! Mary F x
I think you will find there are more people than you realise with overlapping health conditions. I have APS, SLE Raynauds and Sjogrens.
I think the hardest part is knowing which illness is causing which symptom!!!!!
Take care
i believe that aps with sle is considered secondary--- i am primary no lupus.
It can be hard when you're diagnosed with a few things, I've got lupus, APS and vasculitis and all three can cause the same/similar health issues and can have the same treatments. This site is great as you can access all three and many people on here have more than one.
Hope you can get so e support and answers.