Hi I would like to welcome all the new members to the group and hope they find this site useful. I alkso wanted to ask people if they could do 3 things
1) please if you can/want to fill in your profile as this give people a wealth of information and also helps you find out if there are other people who live near you to support each other as well as online.
2) One of the things that people have said which has helpped them on a site like this is to read other peoples stories,All of us moderators have added our story so you can read about us but it would be great if other people can add there story you never know it may help another memeber or they may be able to give you a diffrent view to something you been dealing with
3) please do still fill in the polls and the Hospital surveys these are crucial for memebers to know where a good hospital is and where they are not alone in a poll.
Thank you for all your support on this forum and i hope you all find what your looking for on here.