I felt great this morning and was actually quite energetic. Then at 4pm, bang, pain fatigue and the head ache. Was like someone flipped a switch. I have now taken an endone for the pain and my eyes feel like I have been reading all day?? Any Ideas

I find when i get wacked by the fatigue beast it is around 4pm... weird! Happens really quick, find if i have a half hour power nap it helps me get through the rest of the day. Also pace yourself, I found when i woke up feeling good i would take advantage of it and go a bit mad cramming all i could in the day to make the most of it, but then really tired and headache where i feel like if i poked my eyes out I would feel better. I take paracetamol and have a quick kip if i can! hope u feel better soon! X
This is what happens to me when my INR drops below 3-3.5. It is what led me to start looking for a diagnosis. I keep my INR at 3.5-ish. REALLY HELPS!
Yes often. When I wake up I can tell if my INR is under 3 by the pain in my head and joints. I will be unable to see my pc properly and cannot concentrate.
On a good day with INR in range I feel like I can conquer the world as my pain is bearable, I will push myself too far then bang, all my steam has gone and I am useless, and will remain that way until ai have been to bed.
I'll agree it comes on fast and hard with little or no warning nor mercy. Whether it is foggy brain, muscle or bone pain, balance problems, word finding problems, breathing problems, swelling, excruciating headaches, vision problems, fear of clot, clot, pins and needles, or any combination thereof. It is merciless and mannerless. It couldn't care less where you are, who you are with or what you are doing. Bam! You feel like the fighter in the ring who is just coming to after a wallop that he didn't throw. Has this happened to you before? I do hope you feel better soon. It can be debilitating.
Has not happened this fast before.....I am stiff and sore today...with the left over headache.
Can I join the team?! This happens to me too!!
I don't know how those with young children manage.
I'm definitely a member of this team to ! If I don't sleep for an hour every afternoon I'm good for nothing . It washes over me like a plague..I feel so guilty to that I sleep. I can trace it back to childhood, this immense instant exhaustion that I just can't fight. The headaches come from no-where and haunt me for days just like you..I call them my four day migraine. Always comes with a period but at lots of other times to. My INR never gets checked as I have only had 6 miscarriages and no other types of clots. I'm on aspirin and my APS tests fluctuate between negative and positive.
....I have a little 3 year old and from really young, he would pick up when Im having a fatigue hit and he would just sit next to me with his toys and play quietly while I have a horizontal moment. Hes so special and knows when im in pain or tired and gives me cuddles.
Hi all.
Yes I get this too. I used to get it a lot on Warfarin, especially if my INR dropped beolw 3.3 (my target was 4.0). Now I'm on Heparin instead I still have bad days and my 'funny turns'.
Best wishes.
Me too, it is like slamming into a brick wall and comes on instantly.
I am on Clexane so it's not down to my INR.