Hi does anyone out there know the difference between pradaxa and warfarin? Ive been told to go on warfarin but ive heard a few people on about pradaxa and know its uite new after seeing a clip in the newspaper - how do i get them to put me on that instead of warfarin?
PRADAXA V WARFARIN: Hi does anyone out... - Hughes Syndrome A...

Are you on an antcoagulant now? Pradaxa has not been approved for APS yet.
Also where are you located? I am in the us
I am on it but its an off label use. I failed on warfarin and needed something as Plavix was not enough and causing problems. I don't need my INR checked all the time as its a much more stable medicine with less side effect/drug interactions.

Hi there
Not being on either myself I found this for you.
some commissioning guidelines
and some stuff from NHS Choices... nhs.uk/medicine-guides/page...
I am sure others on here using one or the other will give you the low down as well. Mx
Pradaxa is the name for dabigatran. I specifically asked Prof Hughes about this last week when we discussed using it against warfarin. His answer was that although it was a great drug and getting there, with great promise, it was not quite there for Hughes patients yet. So for his patients he was sticking with warfarin.
I must add when he says that he is basing his judgement on the clinical picture of the patients he has because he knows their cases. Other Doctors with other patients may treat differently based on other information. Its something that should be discussed and weighed up like every thing else with your doctor. I am sure one day we will all be on a pradaxa type medication though.
There is a multi centre trial (St Thomas', UCL, KCL) for APS patients to be tested on the new oral anticoagulants. It's taken over a year just to try and get the funding so I don't think things are going to move very fast on this - I think we're looking at about five years before they could be trialled properly and safely.
Pradaxa has a licence for AF and has proven safer than warfarin but many APS patients who are taking place in the trials are concerned that they won't be monitored as they are on warfarin so controls measures have been added in.
Thanks all x
hi jet here from the u.s. i had heard of the. drug pardaxa i asked my supervising nurse to check into it [ my new doc isnt quite up to speed yet ] she did check and said that the results she found where very impressive the only problem here in the states is the cost so the hosptal wont even let them perscibe it . she thanked me for letting her know that it even exsisted .so still on warfran . they just put me on tramadol, to try to control migraines.the onlything is that it is pushing my inr out site so as of fri the 26 th, i am testing every 3 days. i have noticed kate h is responding to this blog --- kate please if you did recieve my blog to you ,i havent found a reply ,maybe it lost in my computer . i have a problem of the site losing my password . hopelly i will get a double reply . please bare with me . my one typing finger is getting sore ,got to give it a rest bbn jet
hello when I read about this in newspaper, I immediately contacted consultant and he said that Praxdaxa does not have an antedote like Warfarin. In Warfarin, if you bleed badly they can give you Vit K, but in this new drug, there is nothing.
thanks for that daisy