Hi all, I've been off sick from work for 3 weeks now, because of golfers elbow on the right and now tennis elbow on the left. I saw my GP back in December and asked for physio, eventually started lasty Saturday.
My main problems been INR up and down all over the place, today 6.1 from 4.4 on wednesday. I've not been stable since beginning of March.
I asked GP for referal to rheumatology 2 months ago and he said no, not at present, pain due to muscles. Saw him today as now have had 2 episodes of vomitting and headaches. He started me on tramadol and suddenly wants to see me back on Monday or Tuesday, as thinks vomitting is due to pain. Now my shoulders have gone into spasm as well.
Why do people not listen to us, we know our bodies and how we feel.
Sorry to rant, just want to get back to normal (lol) and back to work.