I have an unusual history. In 2007, I recovered from several months in hospital with hypoxia and very severe chest pain only when I was put on heparin. I have a very severe history of clotting on my Mum's side of the family and family and friends begged the doctors to try anticoagulation because I was deteriorating and they feared I would die. The doctors did not believe that I was clotting or understand why oxygen alleviated the chest pain. I left hospital without a diagnosis but eventually found my way to Dr Khamashta at London Bridge who diagnosed me as Sero negative APS. I was on warfarin for a while but was never well on it. I have been in Heparin about 13,years.
I have largely avoided seeing consultants once Dr Khamashta moved abroad because I was afraid that my diagnosis would be questioned and I could be put at risk.
I have recently been investigated by a haematology team who have recommended that I come off Heparin, citing bleeding risk increasing with age. I think the real reason is that they don't accept my diagnosis, I have never missed an injection but I have occasionally forgotten but in every instance the symptoms started within 4hours of missing the medication.
I am afraid that GP will want to act on the Haematology recommendation. I have decided that the best thing I can do is go back to London Bridge and see someone who understands Sero-negative and the chest pain symptoms. I also need a doctor who treats the patients experience as relevant in decisions.
I was wondering if any of you can recommend particular doctors there.
Sorry for the long post, I have tried to be concise.
Any advise appreciated.
Thanks Ann