I am wondering if anyone has ever had a black eye on coumadin. I have one right now and have been told that the blood thinner will make full healing fairly slow. Meanwhile I have bruisy patches all over my face which came on a day or two after the fall that caused the event. I have no pain, no fever. no compromised vision, but I am choosing not to go out much because my face looks like an Ebola patient after Halloween. Any advice?
Black Eye while on Coumadin? - Hughes Syndrome A...
Black Eye while on Coumadin?

I still have the remnants of a bruise almost 12 months after face planting on an uneven footpath. Took about 3 or more months for the worst of it to go but seeing as we were in lockdown for most of that time -a mask covered the worst of it!

Oh no… sorry about the fall.
As long as you were checked out.
We need to be especially careful with any trauma or bumps to head. ( even if we fall on face, thus can still bruise the brain- slight concussion.)
Keep in mind for slow bleed, or even future events.
The brain is especially vulnerable to bleeds on warfarin. I’m sure your doctors drive this home with you also.
Wising you no more falls- and a beautiful complexion soon!
Take good care.
Thank you, Kelly. I'm afraid it'll be a few months before that beautiful complexion returns. ( My husband pointed out that it's lucky this didn't happen 3 weeks before my college reunion) I'm going to to get in touch with my anti-coag. clinic in Boston as well as my opthlamologist. One can never be too sure!
Hi, Kelly, I want to thank you again for your support with my fall. My bruises have all healed; the only visible thing in slight s I.m kin discoloration at the point of impact. I'm doing pretty well except for slight fogginess and achy fatigue, I get these every year in December; they last till mid-late March. My APS seems tied in with SAD.