Hi all, I live in the Panhandle of Florida. I am fairly active even though I have an artificial heart valve and a pacemaker. I try to stay healthy by eating the right foods and limiting vitamin K to keep my INR stable but every now and then, I have a question about diet and INR results.
Heart Issues but otherwise healthy - Hughes Syndrome A...
Heart Issues but otherwise healthy
What's your question?
Hello and welcome to our forum.We are happy to share and support our experiences of APS/Hughes on here and to answer any questions you may have.
Have you been diagnosed with APS and do you have a specialist? Really important for us to have someone who specialises and understands APS.
It is fine to ask us questions, and be aware we are not medically or nutritionally trained but van probably give you good feedback. MaryF
As the others have said here, this is a special place for those with Antiphospholipidsyndrome. We have too sticky blood and it is an autoimmun illness which need a knowledable Specialist.
A I have valve issues and Pulmonell Hypertension with my APS and take Warfarin I would like to hear what INR you keep for your illness?
I need an INR of 3.5 - 4.0 to feel ok without clots etc and Warfarin has been my lifesaver.
I wonder if you have tested the three antibodies they test for this illness and if you also have had any neurological symptoms together with your valveissues? Do you have difficulties to keep the INR in place? It sounds like that from your question.
I live in Sweden. Wish you well.