Just wondering if anyone has severe muscle spasms, I have started getting these in my thigh along with hip pain left hip only
Muscle spasms : Just wondering if... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Muscle spasms

I get severe spasms in my right arm, but I also have thoracic outlet syndrome
I have had a history of this but it is much better now. It would typically be if I had been active and then sat down for quite a while. The things that have helped are getting up regularly for a brief walk around at when sitting for long periods. Also there is a herbal remedy called cramp bark that gave relief . A friend took a small dose daily to prevent night cramps. The thing that's made most difference is that I every morning I do sequence of stretches before I get out of bed . Mainly leg stretches..I also try to be sure that I am well hydrated before doing anything very active.
I seldom get them since I started the stretching. I hope that is some help.

Hi, any new symptom needs to be reported to your GP, I know for me, I had cramps and muscle spasms, with low thryoid and low B12, and I know I always mention those things but both B12 and Thyroid effect the circulation, bad enough to have on thing without other thing making it worse. I also use Magnesium cream/lotion for uncomfortable legs when I get that. MaryF
Thanks Mary,I did contact my doctor I should have done it before,but as my daughter put it ( thought it was impossible for you to have anything else wrong ! )
Waiting to hear about the 2nd lot of blood results, thought they would have phoned already anyway I polished off an Easter egg yesterday and decided that I should give up cakes etc
Will let you know
I get frequent but random spasms all over my body. Haven't been able to work out f there's a pattern or why its happening. Some days much more frequent than others.
I would recommend looking at an exercise therapy called somatics, or Hanna Somatics after the guy who started it. It comes from same origins as Pilates, (but less vigorous) and Alexander Technique,( more active) . Essentially you learn to compress, not stretch and its learning slow release of muscles that helps you be self aware/correcting. It's gentle but not passive. It's mind and body without any chakras etc. Not promising it would work but is the most effective thing I and sceptic husband have done for "normal" aches and pains. I even did a diy session with my lame dog! She enjoys it and limps less!
I’m having them now and it’s keeping me awake. Not sure what causes it. I know my dr. Said lack of magnesium or calcium can cause this. Hope you feel better.
Hi Daisy D I suffer from dreadful muscle spasms and take baclofen on prescription mine are caused by central nervous system inflammation caused by the Hughes syndrome
I have VERY SEVERE back muscle spasms . I get injections for this in Traps and Spine lower lumbar and the C spine . I also go to a Cranile Dr. for the Occipitals . once a week to try to stop those Occip muscles from causing dizziness and and vertigo . This is done at Cranile by exercise and message with some type of ointment she applies . I also take two types of muscle relaxers for the back. I can and do get the spasms in legs , arms , calves and face at times. This has been going on since 2007 and i didn't get dia. with APS triple status till 9 -1-2009 .do you get cramps along with spasms.I also have a med cream that has gabapentin- lidocaine - muscle relaxers - and pain meds , it is a compounded cream That is a big help .This i most likely will have with me for the rest of my days BUT one can only hope to get a chance at a break at getting this under control . best to you .