Hi everyone, due to recent miscarriages I had a blood test this morning. The form said they are testing antiphospholipid antibodies and lupus anticoagulant. I received the form in the post with no details about the results. Does anyone know how long it may take for them to test the blood? I have been feeling weird lately and some of the symptoms fit - bad circulation, daily headaches/pressure behind eyes. I am desperate to get the results asap so i can stop worrying! I am located in the West Midlands, England. Thanks
Blood test results: Hi everyone, due to... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Blood test results

Hi, if your GP has arranged the blood tests, results can usually be seen on line 5 - 7 days, if the hospital arranged, then they tell you at your next appointment.
These tests have to be followed up by repeating in 12 weeks time, diagnoses of APS will not be made until both sets are done.
In the meantime keep a log of your symptoms ready to tell your APS Specialist.
Thank you For your reply. They were arranged by the fertility department at my local hospital but I don’t have any future appointments booked. I guess I will just have to wait until I receive a letter regarding an appointment. Thanks again.

Hi, these will come back to you and your GP very quickly, and please make sure your GP refers you to a recommended Hughes Syndrome/APS Specialist, someone who fully understands the condition:
Professor Caroline Gordon
Consultant Rheumatologist
Department of Rheumatology
City Hospital, Dudley Road, Birmingham
West Midlands B18 7QH
Telephone: 0121 627 2535
Dr Will Lester
Consultant Haematologist
Department of Haematology
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre
Edgbaston, Birmingham
West Midlands B15 2TH
Telephone: 01216 272000
Dr Steve McKew
Consultant Rheumatologist
Department of Rheumatology
Royal Shewsbury Hospital
Mytton Oak Road, Shrewsbury
Shropshire SY3 8XQ
Telephone: 01743 261000
Dr Siobhan Quenby
Consultant Obstetrician
University Hospital Coventry
Clifford Bridge Road
Coventry, West Midlands CV2 2DX
Telephone: 02476 967528
Dr Benjamin Rhodes
Consultant Rheumatologist
Department of Rheumatology
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
Edgbaston, West Midlands B15 2TH
Telephone: 0121 627 7957
Dr Deva Situnayake
Consultant Rheumatologist
Department of Rheumatology
City Hospital
Dudley Road, Birmingham
West Midlands B18 7QH
Telephone: 0121 554 3801
Dr Jonathan Wilde
Consultant Haematologist
Director of the Haemophilia Centre
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
Mindelsohn Way
Edgbaston, Birmingham
West Midlands B15 2WB
Telephone: 01216 272353
Dr Deva Situnayake (privately)
Consultant Rheumatologist
BMI The Edgbaston Hospital
22 Somerset Road, Edgbaston
Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2QQ
Telephone: 01214 446246
I also have APS or Lupus anticoagulant. No symptoms other than repeated miscarriage. I had to have 2 tests done, firstly a fertility specialist referred me and when it came back positive I was again referred to get the second blood test- they take lots of vials of blood so be well hydrated when you have it done. The fertility specialist then put me on 75mg Aspirin in the morning and 40mg clexane in the evening every day from when we were trying to conceive. My first son I have no idea how my body did it but I didn’t know about the condition and had only 1 miscarriage before having him. I then had another 5 miscarriages before it was figured out and I had my second son. I’m now pregnant with my 3rd, a girl. At no point have I ever seen a specialist to do with APS, just the fertility specialist who to be fair was rubbish!! I also had Clexane 1st time but this time they wouldn’t prescribe it to me as it’s too expensive and they wanted to use a cheaper one. We ended up purchasing £1000 work of clexane from Spain (through the clinic where I was having unnecessary IVF with PGS testing thanks to bad advice from the fertility specialist- a longer story!) and then finally my consultant agreed to write prescriptions for it one month at a time once I was 12 weeks pregnant. So if I hadn’t purchased it I would have miscarried as all 6 miscarriages were 1st trimester. I didn’t want to switch medication from the previous pregnancy as I wanted to stick with what worked before and this was our last chance as I’m getting on a bit!!!!
Anyway, a bit of a moan but a positive outcome so I hope this story helps you understand the struggles but that you can overcome them. In our case we just needed deep pockets and lots of patience. Stay determined and good luck to you.
P.s. if anyone else reading this with experience can advise me I wonder why I’ve never been referred to a specialist incase of other potential health issues????.... thank you xxxx