Should having aps and having a stroke. Be putting me in the vulnerable list during the Coronavirus pandemic I’m finding it difficult to go out shopping gor good exercise etc avoiding others
Coronavirus snd ? Vulnerable with ap... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Coronavirus snd ? Vulnerable with aps and stroke
Hi as far as I know, we are not supposed to be necessarily vulnerable unless with specific drugs affecting the immune system, however due to our mix of diseases in our family, we are being very strict with the social distancing and I am choosing not to go shopping plus two of my children are not very well currently so we are also protecting them, plus an asthmatic in our house also. I am using local shops to deliver everything I need, which seems safer to me. Perhaps you could give your main consultant a ring, or send an email or to your GP? They may be better at clarifying your individual position. MaryF
Im on the vulnerable list ..I had a stroke too but that isnt on the at risk list..... i'm on immunosuppressants and that meets the criteria.