Oct. gallbladder surgery! I will come off my Coumadin, and use Fragmin (injectible) to bridge prior to surgery. I’m glad my General surgeon wants to err on the side of caution and keep me in hospital overnight to insure my Coumadin has my INR at a therapeutic level. Likewise, I am glad we’re doing the surgery as a scheduled surgery, rather than under emergency conditions. Has anyone else had surgeries under these conditions?
Oct. gallbladder surgery! - Hughes Syndrome A...
Oct. gallbladder surgery!

Went through exactly what your going through, I was already on heparin, so stopped day of surgery and started again as soon as safe from risk of bleed.
Also kept in overnight as a precaution.
All went ok and healed really quickly.
Good luck and speedy recovery - sounds like your surgeon is on the ball.

I have not had this sort of thing yet, and hopefully not! I wish you all the best with your surgery, and hope you have a swift recovery. MaryF
I had to change my anti-rejection meds before I had my gallbladder out due to healing issues. I was really worried but need not have been as it all worked really well. I was kept in overnight and was out next day. Good luck with the op xx
I had mine taken out as an emergency surgery, but it was well before I was diagnosed. That scares me in retrospect hahaha.
My body is much happier since I had it removed.
Best of luck and sounds like your docs are on top of things.
When you say “body is happier”, do you mean less pain, and vomiting, or were their other, perhaps secondary symptom benefits, that you’ve seen a change in benefit, etc. One friend told me her mom, regained her svelte figure following it’s removal.
Hi There
I am also having Gall bladder surgery early September. I have to start my program of stopping warfarin and covering with heparin (same plan as yours) five days before. No heparin injection on the day of surgery and then continue on that evening with injections daily until warfarin is back in range. You will need to have your INR checked on the day of surgery to make sure your INR is okay for surgery. If you follow the plan it will be correct. I have been through this before when I had an ovary removed and stayed in overnight. I sailed through it all last time and hope this will be the same. I am going home the same day at the moment, obviously this can change. I have worked in the operating theatres and seen many Gall bladder ops. If they are straight forward as they mostly are (touching wood lol) they take about the same time as a filling in your tooth. Quite a quick op usually.
Good luck with your op.
Thanks for responding, to be honest, I am not worried about the surgery I am only going to be kept overnight as a precaution because of APS. I never thought about them having to do a blood test prior to surgery.It makes sense.
Yes they should check. Although I do my own testing and have my own machine I am still booked into the coag clinic on the morning of my operation. I cannot wait to have my gall bladder removed as I am having so many complications. I have a polyp growing in my gall bladder appose to the usual gall stone issues but gallstones can cause a lot of problems as well. I just hope I am not one of the unlucky ones who go on to have continuous issues after removal. Majority of people are better. It's enough to live with APS and all that brings with it but the past eighteen months have been difficult. I know APS is managed better if we are aware of what we put into our gut and therefore digestive issues are not helpful. Keeping everything crossed. Very best wishes to you also.
Ellie, I had a similar experience. Had my gallbladder out on scheduled laparoscopic surgery, and used heparin as a bridge. It took longer than expected to get my IR down, so we had to postpone the surgery for a couple of days. Like your plan, I stayed in the hospital overnight as a precaution. (From the beginning, I had insisted on surgery in the hospital and an overnight stay, rather than a surgicenter.) My doctor agreed. I was frankly scared but everything went really well. In the hospital, they used leg compression help prevent clots. Also heparin bridge after surgery. I had no problems and recovered quickly. Good luck!
I am a stroke survivor but my clot formed in my head, it didn’t travel to my head. So, not sure about compression stockings, I’m sure in my pre-op my gP and I will discuss if Ihave to worry about that. Yes, my first APS clotting incidence was in my head, and yes, that’s how I was diagnosed, boo, so, my goals with my surgery, to not bleed to death, or to have clotting episodesre learning to walk, is the most difficult thing I’ve ever done, and I would really prefer to not repeat the experience!
Had my gall bladder removed many years ago. Also bridged, also kept overnight at hospital as precaution. All went well.
Good to hear. I’m not really worried about surgery other than I might be unable to participate fully in my stroke rehab/recovery activities in the beginning post -op.