I was diagnosed with obstetric APS (no previous thrombosis events) in 2017, but just focussed on getting my baby here safely. Since delivery (successfully) it seems my APS has amped up to a triple positive and I’m now experiencing a range on symptoms.
Last week a saw a local specialist (from the list in here) and he confused me with some of his comments, plus I’ve since had more questions.
Just looking for opinions of those in here-
•Apparently there is no point in testing my APS levels (IGG, IGM, LA, etc) again? I thought it could fluctuate and if I dipped in and out of the triple positive gang I’m lower risk than if I was persistent triple pos?
•He said you definitely don’t have lupus if test was negative, I thought you could?
•Is INR testing only for Warfarin users or could it give me a good indication of whether I need anticoagulants?
•Will hydroxychloroquine effect my general immunity negatively?
I totally understand that we are not medical professionals and will take any info to my specialist appointment at lupus centre London in a couple of weeks.
Many thanks x