I just very recently discovered this site & what a wonderful resource it is. I've already learned a lot of new information so quickly. I'm wondering if someone might be able to help me think this through.
I am travelling soon from Vancouver, BC, Canada to Auckland, New Zealand (14 hours flight @ an altitude of about 9,000-12,000m) & 1 week later carrying on to Fiji (3+ hours flight), then doing it all again in reverse 16 days later for the return home. All flights will be on Boeing 777-200's & 300's. (I saw the post from APsnotFab about the 777's!)
My question is: Should I be using Heparin during my travels?
A bit of my health history: recurrent early miscarriages & migraines 17 years ago, diagnosed with APS (type: anticardiolipin antibodies), Rx heparin during & after pregnancy, low dose ASA daily since, & heparin as needed (ie. surgeries & flights that are >5hours). Fortunately I haven't had an embolism or thrombosis.
I went to see my regular family doctor to request the heparin Rx but he's away for a couple of months so I had to see the attending physician, who wasn't familiar with my health history. I mentioned all of the above as well as 2014 being the last time I used heparin (hysterectomy). He mentioned that I might be able to avoid heparin injections because there are direct oral anticoagulants available now. After he consulted over the phone with an internist & a hematologist at a local hospital the verdict a couple of days later was that people with APS don't need anticoagulants anymore for long-haul flights because protocol had changed in the last 5 years. He said to just walk around every hour (no sleeping on a 14 hour flight?), take my daily aspirin & to "just enjoy the vacation". I'm a bit concerned with this as it's such a big change from what I've always known & there are so many flights involved in a 3+ week span. I also read somewhere in my "travelling with APS" research that Fiji is a beautiful destination but that their hospitals are a bit 3rd world & to avoid if possible. So I could be risking a possible thrombosis in a destination with less than ideal care & conditions, making a bad situation even worse.
The 'diagnosis' seemed casual or general as the internist & hematologist never talked to me, to even consider me as an individual patient & what particular risks I may potentially have. The attending physician seems to just want to go along with what they say & nobody even suggested compression stockings, staying well hydrated & avoiding alcohol. I'm thinking of returning to the doctor's office to insist on the heparin. Any thoughts?
And has anyone come across the information regarding the changes in protocol for long-distance air travel for those with APS?