I want to do my first long haul flight this year since being diagnosed with APS 8 years ago. I'm on warfarin and have flown many short flights 2-3 hours. I'm a bit nervous about doing a much longer flight, any advice I probably won't see my consultant before I fly.
Long Haul Flight: I want to do my first... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Long Haul Flight
Please buy yourself proper surgical stockings and put them on! Also do the leg exercises and move around on the flight...where are you going to? Good to know the lie of the land in case of needing help? MaryF
I think Mary has given a very good answer. I agree.
Have a nice trip!
Best wishes from Kerstin in Stockholm
Mary my vascular consultant said I should not wear surgical stockings as I have an occluded artery in the leg. So if I exercise and make sure my INR is ok I'm hoping that will be ok. I'm not counting on the best medical centres where I go so good insurance too. I really am nervous but do not want to limit my travel experiences
Fair enough, if you have that advice you must follow it, the exercises are good, would they not issue you with Fragmin shots for travel! And of course keeping your INR is key. Where are you going? My Ms Marple tendencies have started up! MaryF
Mary possibly st Lucia nothing booked yet though.
Hi TJ - email Yvonne - she's the queen of long haul flights whilst taking warfarin and did a presentation once at Patients' Day called Wandering with Warfarin. She works for the charity so email her directly on: enquiries@hughes-syndrome.org.
Hope you have a fab time
Kate x
Thanks Kate
Thanks good advice x
For me, it's a must to have hotels with treadmills when I've just gotten off a long flight. If the hotel doesn't have a treadmill in their small hotel gym, then I book a hotel elsewhere. I found this out long before I realized I had the clotting disorder. I just felt awful following long flights, I would get red hot spots on my legs, I would feel like things were passing through my heart. Vigorous walking for an hour immediately upon getting off the plane, and then every day following the flights helped me significantly.
My doctor recently gave me a note saying to: "walk several times during the flight, do exercises stretching the calf muscles while sitting, and avoidance of alcohol and caffeinated drinks."